
1. 旗袍用英语怎么说 旗袍用英语:cheongsam ,读音:英 [t???'s?m] 美 ['t?ɑ??s?m] 相关短语 1、Rose cheongsam 玫瑰旗袍 2、Cheongsam dress 旗袍裙 3、Cheongsam show 旗袍秀 常见句型: 1、Cheongsam is mounted with silvery lace. 旗袍镶着灰银色的花边 。
2、Why do Han people like to wear the cheongsam? 汉族妇女为啥喜爱穿旗袍? 3、I want to buy a Cheongsam for myself. 我想要给自己买一件旗袍 。扩展资料:1、同义词:chirpaur、读音:英 [t???'p??r] 美 [t???'p??r] 释义:n. 旗袍 例句: the lady should wear western dress skirt, connecting dress skirt, chirpaur. 女士应当穿西装裙,连衣裙,旗袍 。
2、cheongsam的用法: 英文里的Cheongsam虽然是满族男装“长衫”的音译,在实际应用上仅指女装旗袍 。传统的男式旗人之袍现在一般称长袍、大褂、长衫 。
2. 关于旗袍英语作文带翻译 Foreign teacher Miss Green of Chinese cheongsam interest, want to build a set of,she asked me where to buy one i said People's Avenue No. twenty-five Zizhu tailor shop can be customized, this store has a history of over fifty years, the price is reasonable, if she wants to go, you may go toIt is one of the female dress, derived from Manchu women's traditional clothing, in the first half of the twentieth Century Republican Women of Han nationality by improved, by the government of the Republic of China in 1929 as the national dress, do not belong to the Han system. After the Republic of China, Shanghai, Beijing, Han female in its based on improved.
外国老师格林中国旗袍的兴趣,要买一套,她问我在哪里可以买到我说人民大道二十五号紫竹裁缝店可以定制,本店有五十多年的历史,价格合理,如果她要,你可以去,女性服饰,源于满族妇女的传统服饰,在第二十世纪下半叶,共和党汉族妇女的改进,由中国政府在1929作为民族服饰,不属于汉制 。在共和国的中国,上海,北京,汉族女性在其基础上改进 。
3. 要写一篇关于旗袍的英语论文,想知道有哪些英文版的介绍旗袍的书 《中国旗袍》中英文本:本书以中、英文对照形式,对旗袍的过去、现在与未来进行全面系统地阐述;对旗袍的起源、演变、艺术价值、社会地位等进行概括综合地分析 。

