
1. “火车票预定”英语怎么说 黄牛、票贩子:(ticket)scalper——scalper就是指“以暴利为目的 , 转手倒卖车票、戏票、球票或电影票的人” , 也就是我们在春运时最痛恨的“黄牛”啦!火车票预定、飞机票预定:book the ticket/make a reservation——"book"名词作书本讲 , 而动词则是预订的意思;reservation , 预约、预留 。
例句:I'd like to make a reservation to Boston next week. 我想预订一张下周去波斯顿的票 。订满了:all booked up/full booked——预订也可以说book up,all booked up就是指订满了 。
例句:I'm sorry we are all booked up for Flight 802 on that day. 抱歉 , 802次航班已经全部订满了 。头等舱、经济舱:first class/economy class——class本来就有等级的意思 。
例句:Airline to launch 'lie-flat' seating in economy class. 航空公司将在经济舱提供“卧铺票” 。(飞机上的卧铺票?文章详情点击进入>>)取消订票:cancel, cancellation——第一个是动词、第二个是名词 。
例句:I will notify you if there is cancellation. 若取消我将通知您.直航、转机:direct flight/transit——direct就是直接的意思 。例句:Is it a direct fight? 它是直航吗?最后我们通过一段完整的对话来了解整个订票的过程吧!A:Good morning. The United Airlines, what can I do for you.早上好.美国联合航空公司.我能为您做些什嘛?B:Yes, I'd like to make a reservation to Boston next week.是的 , 我想订一张下周飞往波斯顿的机票.A:When do you want to fly?您想何时去?B:Monday,september 12th.周一九月12日.A:We have Flight 802 on monday. Just a moment please. Let me check whether there're seats available. I'm sorry we are all booked up for Flight 802 on that day.我们有周一802次航班.请稍等.让我查一下那天是否有座.非常抱歉802次航班机票已订完.B:Then, any alternatives?那还有别的吗?A:The next available flight leaves at 9:30 Tuesday morning september 13. Shall I book you a seat?有一次航班在九月13日周二上午9:30起飞.我能为您订个座位吗?B:er 。
it is a direct flight, isn't it?哦 。是直航对吗?A:Yes it is. You want to go first class or coach?是的.您愿意订头等舱还是经济舱的机票?B:I prefer first class. What the fare?我想订头等舱的机票.多少钱?A:One way is $176.单程是176美元.B:Ok. I will take the 9:30 flight on Tuesday.好的 我将订周二9:30的机票.A: A seat on Flight 807 to Boston 9:30 Tuesday morning. is it all right.sir?一张807次航班周二早晨9:30飞往波斯顿的机票.对吗先生?B:Right. Can you also put me on the waiting list for the 12th?对.你能把我放到12号等候名单中吗?A:Certainly. May I have your name & telephone number?当然可以. 请您告诉您的名字和联系方式?B:My name is Lorus Anderson.you can reach me at 52378651.我叫Lorus Anderson.52378651您能和我联系.A:I will notify you if there is cancellation.若取消我将通知您.B: Thank you very much.非常感谢.A:My pleasure.不客气. 。
2. 英语作文:我的火车票 50词左右【火车票英语怎么写】 With the largest population in the world and an underdeveloped railway system,China is notorious for making train tickets particularly hard to purchase for ordinary citizens, especially during the Spring Festival when the railway is the primary means of transportation.As a result, ticket scalpers have proliferated, monopolizing a large quantity of tickets by either hiring people to buy tickets or conspiring with the ticket sellers within the railway stations.中国拥有世界上最多的人口 , 但铁路系统却欠发达 , 中国多年来在让普通民众极难顺利的买到车票上一直是臭名昭著; 尤其是在春节期间 , 火车作为人们主要的交通手段 , 一票难求 。