
1. “众所周知”用英文怎么翻译 众所周知 , 英语是:As we all know 。
As we all know, some of today's children are overweight because they eat too much fast food.
众所周知 , 今天很多孩子都超重了 , 因为他们吃了太多的快餐 。
【众所周知英语怎么写】all 英[?:l] 美62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333431356630[?l]
adj. 全部的; 一切的; 各种的; 极度的 , 尽量的;
pron. 全部; 一切; 每个人 , 每件东西; 全部情况;
adv. 全部地; 完全地; 每个; 非常;
[例句]He lost all his money at a blackjack table in Las Vegas.
在拉斯维加斯的21点纸牌桌上 , 他把钱输得精光 。
know 英[n??] 美[no?]
v. 知道; 了解; 认识; 确信;
n. 知情;
[例句]I don't know the name of the place
我不知道那个地方的名字 。
2. 众所周知用英语怎么表达 众所周知
as everyone knows; as is known to all; be universally [widely] known; Every barber knows that。; come to light
由于众所周知的原因 , 两国人民间的关系中断了20多年 。
Owing to the reason known to all the relations between the two people were suspended for over twenty years.
3. “众所周知” 英文翻译 “众所周知” 英文翻译:as everyone knows 词组解析 “众所周知” 在英文中被翻译为 as everyone knows , 为常见的固定搭配用法 。
其中as的含义为正如 , 词性为连词 。everyone 为名词 , 等于everybody , 意思是“每个人” , 不指具体哪个人 , 而是强调整体 。
作主语时 , 一般与单数谓语动词连用 , 但在俗语中 , 谓语动词有时也用复数 。know为实意动词 , 含义为知道、了解 。
例句: 1、As everyone knows, bedplate was well made by the timber. 众所周知 , 台板是由木材精制而成的 。2、As everyone knows, it is easier to spread hardship equally than to disseminate blessings equally. 正如人人62616964757a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333431356133都知道的那样 , 公平地传播痛苦比公平地传播祝福要容易得多 。
扩展资料 近义词组 1、it is well known that 众所周知 , 后面接that从句 。例句:It is known that Taiwan belongs to China. 众所周知台湾是中国的 。
2、come to light 英 [k?m t? la?t] 美 [k?m t? la?t] 显露; 出现; 为众人所知 例句:He is always ready to show his paces. 他总想显露自己的本领 。
4. “众所周知”用英语有几种表达方法,分别是什么 众所周知
as everyone knows;
as is known to all;
be universally [widely] known;
Every barber knows that。;
Everybody knows。;
it is common knowledge that。;
It is known to all that。;
It is particularly notorious that。:
5. 众所周知用英文怎么说 众所周知: (saying) as is known to everone Relative explainations: as is now well known ;as is well known ;as it is known ;as now well known ;it can be well-known that ;it is a matter of common observation that ;it is known that ;it may be well-known that ;it must be well-known that ;it will be well-known that 。
it is common knowledge that ;it is learned that 。Examples: 1. 众所周知 ,  他是绝对可靠的 。
It is well known that he is completely on the square. 2. 众所周知 , 当一种元素与氧结合时 , 形成的东西被称为氧化物 。It is well known that the thing formed when an element combines with oxygen is called oxide. 3. 这场事故众所周知 。
This accident is widely known. 4. 众所周知 , 他是有罪的 。It was apparent to all that he was guilty. 5. 新的事实已众所周知 ,  政府被迫承认处理间谍丑事失当. As new facts became known, the Government was forced to climb down over its handling of the spy scandal 。