
1. 用英语写参观西夏王陵小作文 Xixia tomb mausoleum, also known as Xixia Xixia Xixia tombs, is the ancient imperial and royal tombs mausoleum. Tomb is located in Ningxia Yinchuan City West near the Helan Mountain, east near Yinchuan Plain, between 1130 meters above sea level to 1200 meters is one of China's largest existing, the ground remains the most complete imperial mausoleum, is the largest existing a Xixia cultural relics. Each of the mausoleum are sitting north to south, a longitudinal rectangular building independent groups, with considerable scale of Ming Dynasty Tombs of the Ming dynasty. To absorb since the Qin and Han Dynasties, the director of the imperial tombs of the Tang and Song Dynasties, but also by the influence of Buddhist architecture, a Chinese Cemetery architecture unique form, so it is called the Oriental pyramid. 。
2. 用英语描述自己的课程表 I have English at 8 every morning followed by Maths, PE, Language and then I enjoy my lunch at 1130. I need to take music lesson at 1300 followed by History and Science ending at 1630.
I love learning language most amone all subjects as it is already my favorite. Besides, that subject teacher is very nice and kind and this subject is very interesting.
3. 根据中文写英文 戴西(Daisy)你多高?-------------------------------how tall are you,Daisy ?我身高154厘米 。
-----------------------------------I'm 154cm tall.这棵树多高?------------------------------------how high is this tree ?莉莉,你多重?-------------------------How much do you weigh,Lily?我40千克 。----------------------------i weigh 40kgDannis,你多重?-----------------------------How much do you weigh, Dannis我51千克 。
-------------------------------I weigh 51kg大象多重?-----------------------How much do the elephant weigh 3吨 。------------------------------it weighs 3000kg/3tn鲸多重?--------------------------how much do the whale weigh ?30吨 。
------------------------It weighs 30000kg/30tn你要去哪里,Antony?-------------------Where are you going , Antony 我要去教室 。-----------------------I'm going to classroom 。

