
1. 这个兰州的地址用英文怎么写 先告诉你,中国的通信地址翻译的一般原则 。
首先,这个地址翻译出来实际上最核心的目的是要给中国人看的 。因为你把地址给了对方,对方写信、寄东西给你,这上面的地址主要是提供给中国国内的每一级邮寄机构的人员看的,而国外邮寄机构只要看到【to China】就够了 。所以,这样你就能明白类似”民主“这种词究竟怎么翻译好,当然是直接用拼音更方便,因为对于大多数中国人,特别是邮递员来书,认识【Minzhu】的要比认识【Democracy】容易的所 。所以要尽量用拼音翻译 。
No. 216 Minzhu Xiaoqu, Minzhu Donglu, Chengguan District, Lanzhou, Ganshu, China
2. 如何用英语简介兰州 ?The introduction of Lanzhou city【兰州市中英文简介】兰州,甘肃省省会,中国西北地区重要的工业基地和综合交通枢纽,西部地区重要的中心城市之一,西陇海兰新经济带重要支点, 西北重要的交通枢纽和物流中心,是新亚欧大陆桥中国段五大中心城市之一,西北地区第二大城市,是我国华东、华中地区联系西部地区的桥梁和纽带,西北的交通通信枢纽和科研教育中心,丝绸之路经济带的重要节点城市 ,也是西部战区陆军机关驻地 。
兰州是古丝绸之路上的重镇 。早在5000年前,人类就在这里繁衍生息 。
西汉设立县治,取“金城汤池”之意而称金城 。隋初改置兰州总管府,始称兰州 。
自汉至唐、宋时期,随着丝绸之路的开通,出现了丝绸西去、天马东来的盛况,兰州逐渐成为丝绸之路重要的交通要道和商埠重镇,联系西域少数民族的重要都会和纽带,在沟通和促进中西经济文化交流中发挥了重要作用 。兰州市安宁区位于甘肃省会兰州市近郊,黄河北岸,现在是经济开发区,同时也是著名的大学城 。
Lanzhou is the capital city of Gansu Province in northwest China. The Yellow River, the Chinese Mother River, runs through the city, ensuring rich crops of many juicy and fragrant fruits. The city is the transportation and telecommunication center of the region. Covering an area of 1631.6 square kilometers (629.96 square miles), it was once a key point on the ancient Silk Road. Today, it is a hub of the Silk Road Tourism Ring, with Maiji Caves to the east, Bingling Temple Grottoes to the west, Labrang Monastery to the south and Dunhuang Mogao Caves to thenorth.With mountains to the south and north of the city and theYellow River flowing from the east to the west, Lanzhou is a beautiful modern city with both the grand beauty of northern cities and the prettiness of southern cities. The city downtown comprises five districts: Chengguan, Qilihe, Xigu, Honggu and Anning. Among them, Chengguan District, situated in the eastern part of the city, is the center of politics, economy, culture and transportation. Anning District, in the northwestern part, is the economic development zone as well as the area where most colleges are located. 。
3. 兰州特色的英语作文 As a city famed through the ages for its silk embroidery, Suzhou is one of the best places to pick up silk handicrafts. Shopping is good along Shi Quan Street, especially for many souvenirs. Besides, tea is another speciality worthy of mention, the most famous locally-produced green tea is called 'Biluochun' and is quite nice indeed. Large shops with endless varieties of tea can be found all around the city, and some have seating where you will be encouraged to come sit and try a pot. Snuff bottles are also a long-standing Suzhou craft that remains popular today. Tiny glass bottles are delicately painted on the inside with elaborate and beautiful pictures. The best ones are truly incredible works of art.
说到了三件东西:丝质手工艺品、碧螺春茶叶和鼻烟壶 。
4. 介绍兰州的英语作文七年级下 My hometown is in lanzhou,beautiful scenery,a beautiful WuQuan mountain and BaiDaShan.The railway is like a rainbow across the Yellow River,the Yellow River four miles a charming scenery FengQingXian provide people with a tourist recreation.