大家好,小编来为大家解答以上的问题重庆雷人雕塑 , 重口味街头人体雕塑:路人惊呼吓死爹这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
美国街景艺术家Mark Jenkins创作了一组栩栩如生又令人别扭不已的人像雕塑摆在公共场所 , 路人们纷纷表示:“吓死爹了!”
His sculptures are seen"jumping"off buildings and at awkward, hurtful positions, sparking calls to the ambulance or police 。
这些雕塑中的“人”有的正要“跳楼” , 有的则摆出各式看起来很痛的造型 , 真是到了让人一看就想报警的地步!
【重口味街头人体雕塑:路人惊呼吓死爹 重庆雷人雕塑】"I like getting people to question their surroundings, what is real and what isn't. These days, people are so buried in their mobile phones and I just wanted to get them to look up,” says Jenkins 。
作者表示 , 他“希望人们去注意身边的环境 , 注意到什么是真、什么是假 。因为近来人们都习惯了埋头看手机 , 而我希望他们抬头看看世界 。”
As to his twisted and provocative work, Jenkins says that his sculptures are laced with dark humor and"often tend to be marginalized individuals, sometimes in lonely states, so it's poetic but also dark" 。
对于这些重口味刺激性艺术作品 , Jenkins说黑色幽默是自己雕塑的以大特色 。他创作的主题常是被边缘化的个体 , 甚至是孤独的城市 , 蕴含着诗意又充满黑暗气息 。
"A lot of people identify with these characters that are neglected and melancholic, and they approach them to be helpful. My street art enables me to communicate with the rest of the world on a deeper level."
“很多人会从这些形象身上看到失意 , 看到忧郁 。于是人们会怀着帮助之心接近‘它们’ 。我的街景艺术让我能与世界在更深的层面上进行沟通 。”
Both Wunderkammern Gallery in Rome and Masagon Gallery in Osaka are hosting simultaneous exhibitions of Jenkins' work 。
目前罗马和大阪的两家艺术馆正在同时举办Jenkins作品的展出 。
本文到此分享完毕 , 希望对大家有所帮助 。
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