嫦娥三号成功发射展开奔月之旅(双语 嫦娥三号发射回顾)

嫦娥三号成功发射展开奔月之旅(双语 嫦娥三号发射回顾)

大家好,小编来为大家解答以上的问题嫦娥三号发射回顾 , 嫦娥三号成功发射展开奔月之旅 , 双语这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
China launched the Chang'e-3 lunar probe with the country's first moon rover aboard early on Monday, marking a significant step toward deep space exploration.
本周一凌晨 , 中国发射了嫦娥三号卫星 。嫦娥三号由着陆器和中国首个月球车组成 , 将一期工程的“表面探测”引申至了对月球的内部探测 。
The probe's carrier, an enhanced Long March-3B rocket, blasted off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China at 1:30 a.m.
作为进一步技术研发的成果 , 长征三号乙运载火箭于凌晨1点30分从位于中国西南部的西昌卫星发射中心发射 。
Chang'e-3 is expected to land on the moon in mid-December to become China's first spacecraft to soft land on the surface of an extraterrestrial body.
嫦娥三号预计将于12月中旬着陆 , 成为中国首个实现外星球软着陆的宇宙飞行器 。
It is also the first moon lander launched in the 21st century.
这也是21世纪以来人类的首个登月之旅 。
The probe entered the earth-moon transfer orbit as scheduled, with a perigee of 200 kilometers and apogee of 380,000 kilometers.
嫦娥三号已经按照计划进入了近地点高度200公里、远地点高度约38万公里的地月转移轨道 。
"The probe has already entered the designated orbit,"said Zhang Zhenzhong, director of the launch center in Xichang."I now announce the launch was successful."
西昌卫星发射中心主任张振中宣布:“嫦娥三号已经进入指定轨道 , 发射任务圆满成功 。”
【嫦娥三号成功发射展开奔月之旅(双语 嫦娥三号发射回顾)】本文到此分享完毕 , 希望对大家有所帮助 。