1. 英文小短文 姑姑家和我家都生活在一个小区里,姑姑可是一个大忙人,她善良朴实,乐于助人 。
我们可以从几件小事来了解和认识她 。我们街道有一位孤寡老人王奶奶,她的生活很艰难,姑姑知道了以后就经常去帮助老人家,给老人做饭,洗衣服,打扫房间,还常陪老人聊天,有一次老人晚间突发疾病,姑姑不顾自己身体的病痛,背起老人就往医院跑,一路上累的汗流浃背老人看在眼里疼在心里不住的说“就是我的亲闺女也做不到呀 。”
姑姑听了一抹脸上的汗水露出开心的笑容 。还有一件事,姑姑在电视上看见在偏远的山区有很多的孩子因为家庭贫困而辍学,姑姑很心痛 。
她想孩子都是祖国的花朵不能让花朵过早的凋谢,她就主动的联系这些孩子向他们伸出援助之手,从自己微薄的工资里拿出一部分来给孩子们买书买笔,还经常鼓励他们,这样一帮就是十几年在姑姑的资助下好多孩子完成了学业,有的孩子还步入了象牙塔成为了国家的栋梁之才 。在姑姑家有一面特殊的墙上面挂满了奖状和证书这些全是孩子们获得的,姑姑经常对我说这些不仅是孩子们的荣誉也是她的荣誉,她很欣慰 。
这就是我的姑姑那么平凡,那么善良,她用自己的爱心浇灌柔弱的秧苗,她没有辉煌的人生,显赫的地位,,但她却做了本该每个人都去做的事,她不是圣人,就是一个普通人,一个让人尊敬的好人 。My aunt and my family are living in a village, my aunt is a busy man, she is honest, helpful. We can learn and know her from a few things.. Our street is an elderly Grandma Wang, she lived a hard life, aunt know later would often go to help the elderly home, cook for the elderly, washing clothes, cleaning the room, also often accompany the old person to chat, a man evening sudden illness, aunt regardless of their own body pains, back up the old man to the hospital run. A way tired sweating elderly look in the eyes of the pain in the mind doesn't live of said "is my own daughter to also can not do it." Aunt listened to a sweat on the face exposed happy smile. Another thing, aunt on TV to see many children in the remote mountain because of the family poverty and drop out of school, aunt very heartache. She wanted children are the flowers of the motherland can't let premature flowers wither, she took the initiative to contact these children to them stretched out a helping hand, from their own meager wages took part to give children buy books to buy pens, often encourage their, this help is more than ten years in aunt's funding many children finish school, some children also entered the ivory tower has become the pillars of the state. There is a special wall hung above the certificates and certificate of these children, aunt often to me that these are not only the children's honor and her honor. She is very happy at my aunt's house. This is my aunt so ordinary, so good, she with tender and his love of the watering seedlings, she have a brilliant life, a prominent position, but she did the everyone to do things, she is not a saint, is an ordinary person, a respectable man.我的姑姑英文作文:我的姑姑 在我上小学二年级的时候,有一天放学回到家,爷爷7a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333361313330叫我过去看他手上的一张报纸;爷爷手指着一个姑娘的像片对我说:“呶,她就是远房的小姑姑 。”
我看看照片,又看看爷爷,然后问:“小姑怎么会上报纸呢?” “她舞跳得好,得了第一名呗 。” 于是爷爷笑了,有点自豪,我也笑 。
没过几天,省城的小姑到我们家来了,左邻右舍都围拢过来看她,爷爷便不时指着小姑向大家介绍说:“卉之的小姑姑,家住在省城,舞跳得可好哟,还上报了呢 。” 周围的人啧啧乍舌 。
我也乍舌 。小姑带我上街玩,牵着我,我看着她,仰着头,太阳从她头顶上照下来,明晃晃的 。
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