
1. 消失的英文怎么写 简明英汉词典 disappear [dispi]vi.不见,消失He disappeared.他不见了 。
不复存在The snow will soon disappear when the warm weather comes.天气变暖时,雪很快就会融化 。Google 网络词典 disappear 隐藏摘要 消失 【摘要】 伸出,延伸,区域,岬,河段,范围;vt. 到达,达到,伸出,延伸delta : n. 三角州,希腊字母的 第四个字instead : ad. 改为,抵作,更换,替代disappear : vi. 消失,不见dart : n.。
- 相关网页 都是不及物动词 【摘要】 反义词: disappear(都是不及物动词). The plane disappeared. The plane appeared. The actor appeared. appear as :. 扮演。角色. He appeared as a prince.(王子)。
- 相关网页 用法词典 disappear dis- 消,失 + appear 出现 。
2. 消失英文怎么写 disappear; vanish; dissolve; die away; fade away The ship faded into the fog.船慢慢地在雾中消失了 。
He disappeared into the night.他消失在夜色中 。Many kinds of animals have vanished from the earth.许多动物已从地球上消失了 。
The view dissolved in mist.景色消失在雾中 。They had vanished in the crowd.他们已消失在人群中 。
3. 消失,不见的英语怎么说 消失,不见的英语:disappear、vanish、dissolve、fade away、die away 。
一、disappear英 [?d?s??p??(r)] 美 [?d?s??p?r] vi.不见,消失;不复存在,灭绝The plane disappeared behind a cloud.飞机消失在云层里 。二、vanish英 [?v?n??] 美 [?v?n??] vi.消失;突然不见;消亡,消灭;[数]化为零vt.使消失,使不见n.[语音学]消失音,弱化音1、The magician vanished in a puff of smoke.魔术师在一股烟雾中突然不见了 。
2、He just vanished and was never seen again 。他就这么消失了,再也没人见到过他 。
三、dissolve英 [d??z?lv] 美 [d??zɑ:lv] vt.使溶解;使(固态物)溶解为液体,使液化;使消失,使消逝,消除;使终止vi.溶解;融化,液化;解散,散去;分裂,分解When the ambulance had gone, the crowd dissolved.救护车离开后人群便散了 。四、fade away英 [feid ??wei] 美 [fed ??we] 消退;消失,衰弱;消歇And I could just fade away easy, like that. 那我就能很容易消失了 。
五、die away英 [dai ??wei] 美 [da? ??we] (尤指声音、光、风)逐渐消失,停止;昏厥;自行消失The sound died away and silence reigned. 那个声音渐渐消失,四周又恢复了寂静 。
4. 消失了英语怎么写 有几种说法:.disappear; vanish; dissolve; die away; fade away 例句:The ship faded into the fog.船慢慢地在雾中消失了 。
He disappeared into the night.他消失在夜色中 。Many kinds of animals have vanished from the earth.许多动物已从地球上消失了 。
The view dissolved in mist.景色消失在雾中 。They had vanished in the crowd.他们已消失在人群中 。

