2、在1989年夏天:in the summer of 1989
3、夏天已来到:Summer has come
原句:one swallow doesn't make a summer
英文释义:you must not take too seriously a small sign that sth is happening or will happen in the future, because the situation could change
6. 写一篇介绍二十四节气中“立秋”的英语作文 英语作文:
Autumn is the beginning of autumn. The sun reaches the yellow longitude 135 degrees every year on August 7 or 8. The Chinese lunar New Year, the seventh lunar New Year. Autumn, pull also, the thing is in this and clench also." The fall of autumn generally indicates that the hot summer is coming and autumn is coming. After the autumn (solar term), the next rain in the autumn is cool, so there is "a cold autumn rain". "Four people's moon order" : "the autumn, chilly; The night begins, the heat stops. Early in the zhou dynasty, in the early days of the autumn, the father of the three male relatives of the three officials to the western suburbs to yingqiu, held a sacrificial ceremony. According to the record, in the autumn of the song dynasty, the palace was to be planted in the basin of the wutong in the temple, waiting for the "autumn" when the time of the day, too, the recorder will be loud. When they finished, the wutong dropped one or two leaves for autumn.
立秋是秋季开始的节气 。每年8月7日或8日太阳到达黄经135度时为立秋 。《月令七十二候集解》:“七月节,立字解见春(立春) 。秋,揪也,物于此而揪敛也 。”立秋一般预示着炎热的夏天即将过去,秋天即将来临 。立秋(节气)以后,秋后下一次雨凉快一次,因而有“一场秋雨一场寒”的说法 。东汉崔 《四民月令》:“朝立秋,冷飕飕;夜立秋,热到头 。” 早在周代,逢立秋那日,天子亲率三公九卿诸侯大夫到西郊迎秋,举行祭祀仪式 。据记载,宋时立秋这天宫内要把栽在盆里的梧桐移入殿内,等到“立秋”时辰一到,太史官便高声报奏 。奏毕,梧桐应声落下一两片叶子,以寓报秋之意 。
古代分立秋为三候:“初侯凉风至”,立秋后,我国许多地区开始刮偏北风,偏南风逐渐减少 。小北风给人们带来了丝丝凉意 。“二侯白露降”,由于白天日照仍很强烈,夜晚的凉风刮来形成一定的昼夜温差,空气中的水蒸气清晨室外植物上凝结成了一颗颗晶莹的露珠 。“三侯寒蝉鸣”,这时候的蝉,食物充足,温度适宜,在微风吹动的树枝上得意地鸣叫着,好像告诉人们炎热的夏天过去了 。一候为5天,立秋15天,逐渐变凉 。变凉是气候趋势,根据立秋三候的描述,或许处在气候偏冷周期时,就有这种情况 。
立秋节气预示着炎热的夏季即将过去,秋天就要来临 。当立秋到来时,我国很多地方仍然处在炎热的夏季之中 。立秋后虽然一时暑气难消,还有"秋老虎"的余威,但天气总的趋势是天气逐渐凉爽 。气温的早晚温差逐渐明显,往往是白天很热,而夜晚却比较凉爽 。。当然,由于全国各地气候不同,秋季真正开始时间也不一致 。
在我国封建社会时期,还有立秋迎秋之俗,每到此日,封建帝王们都亲率文武百官到城郊设坛迎秋 。此时也是军士们开始勤操战技,准备作战的季节 。由此可见立秋日为何种天气是如此的重要 。
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