
1. 轻笔细描的英语怎么翻译 delicate pen strokes 或 fine pen strokes 或 refined pen strokes
1. In preparation for the copper engraving, of which many prints would be made, the drawing in grey ink is meticulously executed down to the smallest detail, using extremely delicate pen strokes.
2. She had been proud of her penmanship - fine pen strokes, slanted, precise, elegant.
3. Each piece is made up of thousands of tiny, fine pen strokes which build up to form the overall image.
4. The lighting and texture have enhanced the feel of the picture and complimentwell the gritty color as well as the refined pen strokes.
2. 轻笔细描的英语怎么翻译【轻笔细描怎么写】 delicate pen strokes 或 fine pen strokes 或 refined pen strokes 句例: In preparation for the copper engraving, of which many prints would be made, the drawing in grey ink is meticulously executed down to the smallest detail, using extremely delicate pen strokes.She had been proud of her penmanship - fine pen strokes, slanted, precise, elegant.Each piece is made up of thousands of tiny, fine pen strokes which build up to form the overall image. The lighting and texture have enhanced the feel of the picture and complimentwell the gritty color as well as the refined pen strokes 。

