
1. “无与伦比” 的英文怎么写 1) incomparable adj. 无与伦比; 无可比拟; 无双的; 无敌的,无比的; [例句]The views from the house are incomparable.从房子里向外看到的景色非常优美 。
2) unequalled adj. 无比的,无双的; 绝伦; [例句]This record figure was unequalled for 13 years 。这项纪录保持了13年,无人能破 。
3) truly exceptional Games 无与伦比的 运动会 。
2. 无与伦比的英文怎样写 无与伦比 wu yu lun bi 1.incomparable; unrivaled; unequalled; peerless; unique; matchless; unparalleled 2.to defy all comparison; to be beyond (or past) compare; to be without comparison; to be without rival; to be beyond challenge; to be without (a) parallel 无与伦比 wu yu lun bi 1.incomparable; unrivaled; unequalled; peerless; unique; matchless; unparalleled 2.to defy all comparison; to be beyond (or past) compare; to be without comparison; to be without rival; to be beyond challenge; to be without (a) parallel 。
3. “无与伦比” 的英文怎么写 1) incomparable adj. 无与伦比; 无可比拟; 无双的; 无敌的,无比的;
[例句]The views from the house are incomparable.从房子里向外看到的景色非常优美 。
2) unequalled adj. 无比的,无双的; 绝伦;
[例句]This record figure was unequalled for 13 years 。这项纪录保持了13年,无人能破 。
3) truly exceptional Games 无与伦比的 运动会
4. 无与伦比用英语怎么说 ncomparable; be without rival; beyond challenge; defy all comparison; head and shoulders above others; lick all creation; matchless; None [no one] can compare with。
; There is no comparison with。; There is none to compare to [with]。
; unique; unparalleled; without equal 都是这个意思 。

