
1. 嘿嘿 用英文怎么说【嘿嘿英语怎么写】 Hey英 [he?]美 [he?]详细释义[声](of laughter; esp. of sneer)ha han.哈哈的笑声例句1.嘿嘿,我并不是孓然一人 。
By the way, I was not alone.2.他嘿嘿地不好意思笑了笑,然后就回家了 。He gave a shy smile and went home.3.最近一段时间都没有放松了,就想出去拍拍照,嘿嘿!I haven't relaxed recently. I just want to go out for photos.中中释义嘿嘿[hēi hēi][laughter] 象声词,形容笑声 。
2. 嘿嘿,用英语写一份深情的 ~情书~~ 该怎么写啊 Darling,
How are you? I hope you're fine.But I'm not fine,because I miss you so much that I can't sleep.I can't bear only one second I can't see you any longer.You light up my world,my world become wonderful since the moment I meet you.Every morning,I wake up just for you.Every time I feel sad just for you.I find I am smiling when I think of you.You are so cute,I want to protect you forever,just give a chance,please!

