
1. “柔软的爪子”用英语怎么写 这个表达是可以的:看着办吧 。
velvet paw:n. 肉爪(虚假的温柔)
velvet paws hide sharp claws
a velvet paw:n. 肉爪, 笑里藏刀
velvet: [ 'velvit ]
n. 天鹅绒
adj. 天鹅绒的
1. This velvet dress is very beautiful.
这件天鹅绒礼服非常美丽 。
2. The queen assumed a velvet robe.
2. 脚英语怎么写的 脚的英文:foot 英 [f?t] 美 [f?t] n.脚;底部;英尺(=12 英寸或 30 。
48 厘米);脚步 vt.走,踏 vt.& vi.结算,总计,共计 1、A man caught his foot in the lawnmower. 有个男的一只脚绞进剪草机里了 。e69da5e887aa3231313335323631343130323136353331333366306530 2、His foot has gone to sleep. 他的脚麻木了 。
3、It was a very severe accident and he lost part of his foot 那是一场非常严重的事故,他有一只脚残废了 。扩展资料 foot、claw、hoof、paw词义辨析 1、foot n. 脚,足多指人的脚,也可指动物的蹄 。
His feet hurt after the long walk. 走了很长时间之后,他双脚酸痛 。2、claw n. 爪 指鸟、兽、昆虫等锋利而弯曲的爪尖 。
The claws of a tiger are very sharp. 老虎的爪子非常锋利 。3、hoof n. 蹄 指马、牛等动物的蹄子 。
The teacher asked his pupils how many hooves a cow has. 老师问他的学生们一头牛有几只蹄子 。4、paw n. 爪子; [非正式]手 指动物包括爪尖在内的爪子,比较软;也可喻指人的手,作此义解时常含贬义 。
He doesn't know how to paint a lion's paw. 他不知道该如何画狮爪 。
3. 牙齿和爪子(Tooth and Claw)我要写一个好书推荐(英文),但是想 头可以写: Some fantasy novels are epic, with rich plot lines, multiple characters on a quest to save the world from some hidden magic or powerful being. These books can be a lot of fun and very interesting, though often the plot overshadows the characters. Other fantasy novels are light and fluffy comedies where nothing much happens but they make you laugh your tail off. 然后说说: As the dust jacket says, this is a novel that is based on the Victorian novels of Anthony Trollope. Walton takes the Victorian setting, and gives it huge twist: all of the characters are dragons. As the dust jacket says, this is a novel that is based on the Victorian novels of Anthony Trollope. Walton takes the Victorian setting, and gives it huge twist: all of the characters are dragons. 最后说说: Walton tells the tale with the gentleness and humour that, I imagine, most Victorian novels have. Her prose is again wonderful, making the genre conventions her own and putting her own spin on them. 最好阐明一下感受: Walton's spot-on narrative style captures the things I love best about comedies of manners, whether penned by Jane Austen or Lois McMaster Bujold. Without once becoming mired in exposition, she deftly portrays a society at once wholly alien and wholly familiar. The customs may be different, the players reptilian, but the drives and conflicts and personalities ring wonderfully true. The plot is deliciously complex, every strand woven skilfully into a lip-smackingly satisfying denouement. 最后在感慨一下: Can this book be enjoyed by readers not familiar with Trollope's novel? Of course it can. No one needs to be familiar with Victorian literature to enjoy a well-written story about dragons. The pacing is masterful, the characters distinctive, the climax exciting. What is very likely is that, on finishing this book, a reader might very well wish to seek out Trollope's novel-and then come back to read Tooth and Claw again. It's definitely one for the Favorites shelf. 。

