
1. 求一篇英语作文 from your email,i have learned about you problem,i'm very glad to give you some advice that you listen to tapes frequently so that you can learn what is standard English tone and oral English grammar.becides, practicing conversations can give lots of benifits on English listening because those are connected with each other, which means that you will make little progress if one of them-listening, speaking is not so good. you have a wonderful skills in writing and gramma, so I think you will get it over as i told you , and remember English is a dish of cake.希望对你有帮助,不懂继续问,望采纳. 。
2. 李冰的英语写作和语法都很好,但在听力方面稍差一些 Hi, Li Bing 。When it comes to the listening part of your English, I think there are quite a few things that you can do to better your listening ability. I am sure you have got lots of friends or classmates who speak English. you can often practise speaking English with them if possible, and you are welcome if you do. Besides, when you are alone at home, you can listen to your English tapes from time to time, which will do you lots of good. In short, practice makes perfect.
【李冰用英语怎么写】In time, your listening ability will improve greatly. So, why not try them yourself?
3. 英文名怎么写 你好,如果你是按中文名的拼音来写的
1)Li Xiaohong ( 这种一般写给中国人或会中文的人看,因为中国人习惯姓在前,名在后,你这样写的话,读出来时他也才容易明白)
2)Xiaohong Li (这个比较正式,国际上的正式场合用这种比较好,而且这个多是写给外国人看的,因为英语国家的外国人习惯姓在前,名在后)
如果你的英文名是取外国名字,则只需记住前后顺序是“ 名字+ 姓” 就行了
希望对你能有所帮助 。
4. 写英语作文的留言条格式怎么写 例文供参考:
刘志宏刚从北京来李冰这里,准备在此逗留两三天 。李冰邀靳秀青相聚 。请你为李冰写一个留言条,时间是星期一上午九点 。
9:00 a.m. Monday
Jin Xiuqing,
Liu Zhihong has just arrived from Beijing on business and is going to stay with us for two or three days. It would be nice if you could come over and see her.
5. 英语作文:帮忙写一篇吧 童鞋,没分的话是不会有人给你写的…
Dear Li Bin, in your last letter ,you ask me for the approach to improve listening.Please forget me for I didn't write to you more earlier. First of all,it would be a good idea to listen English songs as well as watch English movies.It may helps you to
6. 英语便条,怎么写 Mr.White,
I'm sorry to tell you that The history museum is under repairing,so I'm afraid we have to put it off until Saturday.So We decided to visit The Summer Palace.we will start at haif past seven.we will wait for you in front of your house.I do apologize for not going to The history museum .
Li Bing
7. 曾勇 英文名怎么写 怎么发音 请详细解说 好了,下面讲一讲怎样起英文名以及注意的问题: 算你问对人了,我不过要打好长时间了哦 。
下面是你自己不能起或者不会起名遇到的问题:(详细)问题1、所起英文名太常见 第一种问题是起的英文名太常见,如:Henry, Jane, John, Mary. 这就像外国人起名叫赵志伟、王小刚、陈小平一样,给人牵强附会的感觉 。虽然起名字并无一定之规,但给人的感觉很重要 。
问题2、不懂文化差异而犯忌 此外,由于文化差异,有些名字引申义不雅,如:Cat, Kitty,在英语俚语中,它们指的是女性的阴部(Pussy) 。Cat宜改为Cathy, Kitty宜改为Kate 。
问题3、改名又改姓 一般来说,非英语国家的人到了美国,都可能改名,但没有改姓的 。这关系到家族荣誉,将来还会关系到遗传基因 。