
1. 英语论文中引言怎么写 原发布者:heweiwei912
引言的写作技巧学术论文中的引言(Introduction)是对全文内容和结构的总体勾画 。引言尽管不像摘要那样有一定的篇幅限制和相对固定的格式,但在内容和结构模式上也有需要遵循的规律 。本章首先介绍这些规律,然后探讨需要掌握的语言技巧 。1引言的内容与结构布局引言的主要任务是向读者勾勒出全文的基本内容和轮廓 。它可以包括以下五项内容中的全部或其中几项:介绍某研究领域的背景、意义、发展状况、目前的水平等;对相关领域的文献进行回顾和综述,包括前人的研究成果,已经解决的问题,并适当加以评价或比较;(此部分可以单独成章作为论文第二部分)指出前人尚未解决的问题,留下的技术空白,也可以提出新问题、解决这些新问题的新方法、新思路,从而引出自己研究课题的动机与意义;说明自己研究课题的目的;概括论文的主要内容,或勾勒其大体轮廓 。如何合理安排以上这些内容,将它们有条有理地给读者描绘清楚,并非容易之事 。经验告诉我们,引言其实是全文最难写的—部分 。这是因为作者对有关学科领域的熟悉程度,作者的知识是渊博、还是贫乏,研究的意义何在、价值如何等问题,都在引言的字里行间得以充分体现 。我们可以将引言的内容分为三到四个层次来安排(如图8.1所示) 。第一层由研究背景、意义、发展状况等内容组成,其中还包括某一研究领域的文献综述(此部分可以单独成章作为论文第二部分);第二层提出目前尚未解决的问题或急需解决的问题,从而引出自己的研究动机与
2. “前言”的英文是什么 前言的英文preface; foreword; introduction 例句与用法1. Jame's prefaces are always important .詹姆斯小说的前言总是重要的 。
2. That dictionary has a preface, not a foreword .那部词典有一篇序文,不是前言 。3. Thereupon this phrase in the preamble was depleted .因此,前言中的这一句话就被删去了 。
4. The introduction explains how the chapters are organized .前言部分说明各章的怎62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333337383361样组织 。5. The preface of the book includes an account of the author 's life .该书前言记述了作者生平 。
6. I retract .我取消前言 。7. In his preface hawthorne seeks to explain the attraction that italy has for the writers of romances .霍桑在前言中试图阐明意大利对传奇作家的吸引力 。
8. I was touched to find, in the two pages of polite, preliminary acknowledgements of debt, my own name .我深为感动,发现在前言两页客气的感谢中有我的名字 。
3. 帮忙把一个论文的引言翻译成英文~急~ 第一、二个回答,光看头半句就知道是机器翻译,语法错误摆出 。
我猜lz是毕业论文什么的吧,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~,我也在弄论文的事情呢,不过是开题报告 。为了100悬赏,我可是从吃完了饭翻到现在哦,是不是机器翻的,你可以验证下;不过我以人格担保,是我自己翻译的 。
我翻得很认真的,lz放心好啦 ^_^With human's development, people's daily life can't go smoothly without computers' help. Everyday people open the computer and find that most interfaces are Windows's designed by Microsoft. As the operating system industry's leader, though Windows system can't claim to be the most popular operating system, it is definitely the mainstream of the present and most popular one. Particularly, as new versions such as Windows Vista, Windows 7 come into market, the operating system market is injected fresh blood. It is 25 years in accompany with us since Windows system develops to this day, overcoming trials and hardships. Although the critics people give are of criticism and praise, we have to realize its popularity among computers as well as the significant role it plays.Over the years Microsoft has been constant innovation to improve their work, in these improvements in a matter of course also includes a windows interface design. For years Microsoft has been innovating in and developing their products, certainly including the design of Windows interfaces.From 1970s and 80s' DOS system's interface of black background with white words to the colored interface of first generation in 1985,and to the present Windows 7 interface, the design field in the world also witnessed earth-shaking changes.The theme of this paper is to study the relevance and necessity between the design of Windows interface and the history of world design. 如果觉得哪里还有问题的话,也可以联系我的,用那个在线交谈 。嘻嘻 。