1. 跳房子的英语作文 在这阳光明媚、鸟语花香的一天里,我上午7:30左右坐车去了英语班 。
在车上,我看见了一些鸟儿在飞,我就幻想我起了在天空自由自在飞翔的感觉,到了英语班门口,我看见了一些孩子在跳房子,我就很想去跳,可是一想道英语班快开始了,我只好去上英语课了 。
回家后,我看见我的两个姐姐也在跳房子,我就让她们加了我一个,跳房子很有趣,我的两个姐姐前几局赢了我好多次,但是后来我每一次都跳得很小心,所以又追了上来,我们互不相让,你赢一回我赢一回她赢一回,我们都玩了很长时间了还没分出胜负,突然我妈妈让我们回去吃饭了,我们就恋恋不舍的回去了 。
今天玩的可真爽,我一定还要玩第二回 。
2. 跳房子的歌《Tryto》的中文版的歌词如题要中文上面或旁边有英语 爱 唉,重新帮你找就是了ill never cry, i wish to flyover the city lines 。
there could be lies, but from your eyesi see the truth of life 。i wont lose anther chance to turn my best side to youthe moments that we had will be in my mind for a life time 。
ill never cry, though i feel tiredat what i have to do 。i want to shine, nothing to hide 。
【跳房子的英语怎么写】 i woke up and realizedit is burning and ratherfreezing in the night 。it starts the lullabys,it starts the lullabys 。
when i think of you,it seems so beautiful 。the sky is cleanand the world is clearlike a crystal 。
ill try to smile when i die 。i think ill be strong at that time 。
we will be fine,though we are suffering nowhave to walk thousands of milesthe comet burns at the last momentwhen lies are broken 。the comet burns at the last momentswhen lives are waven 。
when i think of you,it seems so beautiful 。the sky is clean and the world is clearlike a crystal 。
end这是英文,中文的还在找 。
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