
1. 用英语介绍一个城市 Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China and it is also the business and financial center of our country. The Huangpu River flows through the city. There are many new constructions and buildings in the Pudong district including the famous Oriental Jewel Tower. There are many great shops and stores along the Nanjing Road, the main commecial road in the city. Millions of tourists and business people come to the city every day and enjoy Shanghai's food, scenery, and life.
上海是中国最大的城市之一,它也是我国商业金融中心 。黄浦江穿过这座城市 。在浦东地区有很多新的建筑群和大楼,包括著名的东方之珠 。南京路上有很多很好的商店,它是这座城市最主要的商业路 。每天都会有很多的旅游者和商人来到这里享受上海的饮食、景点和生活 。
2. 城市的英文怎么写【都市的英语怎么写】 城市 city ['siti] n. 城市,都市 adj. 城市的;都会的town [taun] n. 城镇,市镇;市内商业区 相关例句我来自中国,一个美丽的城市!I come from China, a beautiful city!那么,有城市、河流、沙漠吗?And towns, and rivers, and deserts?人们认为它是这个城市最好的旅馆 。
It was reckoned (as) the best hotel in the town.这家商店是这个城市中最大的一家 。This store is the biggest one in the city.有些古老的城市周围有城墙 。
Some ancient towns have walls round them 。. 。
3. 描写一座城市的英语作文带翻译5句以上 The big city has one hundred thousand population, the city has a very clean streets. No air and water pollution, the whole city has a very low level of environmental pollution. A high level of education's people are living in the city, whom are obeying the traffic rule and polite to others all the time. The polices always help and take care of their people, the government offers the great social welfare to over 60 year-old people.
1. I wish my country is a the cleanest country in the world.
2. People like to live in a No air and water pollution place.
3. Why the polices can beat and kill an innocent person?
4. Do you want to get a high leve of education?
5. After sixty years old, I don't want to work any more.
这大城市有十万人口,城市有一个非常干净的街道 。没有空气和水的污染,整个城市环境污染是一个非常低的水平 。高水平的教育的人生活在这城市,他们遵守交通规则和礼貌的对待其他的人在所有时间 。警察经常帮助和照顾他们的人,政府提供很好的社会福利给年龄超过60岁的人 。
1. 我希望我的国家是世界上最干净的国家 。
2. 人们喜欢生活在一个没有空气和水污染的地方 。
3. 为什么警察可以打和杀死一个无辜的人?
4. 你想获得高水平的教育?
5. 六十岁以后,我不想再工作 。

