
1. 英语中,“不幸的是”除了Unfortunately,还有什么表达法 以下例句是我从一本词典上通过搜索"不幸的是"查到的例句:Unluckily he is who does not like his work.不幸的是,他并不是喜欢自己工作的人 。
Unfortunately you know a lot of bad music, from my point of view, gets into the charts. 不幸的是,你知道,很多依我看挺差劲的歌曲挤进了每周流行唱片选目 。Unfortunately, my car broke down and I was stuck here while it was being repaired. 不幸的是,我的车坏了,在修车的时候,我就被困在那里了 。
Sadly, what should have been a very minor incident ended in disaster. 不幸的是,本是件很小的事故最后却成了一场灾难 。Some people unluckily achieve suicide when they only meant to attempt it. 不幸的是,一些人本来只是为了尝试一下自杀,却真的自杀成功了 。
Unluckily for him the fraud officers were watching this flight too. 对他来说,不幸的是,那些欺诈的官员也在观看这次飞行 。Business success is regrettably not about fairness but about making a profit. 不幸的是,商业成功不讲公道只讲赚钱 。
Human beings regrettably are not omnipotent. 不幸的是,这些作者没能提供系统的证据来佐证他们的观点 。
2. 不幸的一天 英语作文 The rising sun flamed the eastern sky. The clouds rolled away and the sun came out.
It was a beautiful, sunny day. Dolla went to a park by bike at 11:00 in the morning. She was very happy and parked her bike beside a tree. But she didn't know while she was riding her bike, a man was following her, and wanted to steal her bikeFitful icy wind blew the trees. Unlucky things were coming quietly.
The man hid in the trees. Then he found a chance to steal the bike. While Dolla was seeing some people swimming in the sea, the man stole her bike in silence.
An hour later, Dolla found out that her bike had been stolen. She was upset and very worried. So she called the police and waited for someone to help her. She didn't know what to do.
Now, she does nothing but crying.
This story tells us, we should take care of our things when we get out. Don't be compunctious until your things have been stolen
3. 悲剧英语怎么说 悲剧英语为tragedy 读法:英 [?tr?d??di] 美 [?tr?d??di] 释义 悲惨的事;不幸;灾难;惨案:a very sad event or situation, especially one that involves death 悲剧;悲剧作品:a serious play with a sad ending, especially one in which the main character dies; plays of this type 短语 1、Greek Tragedy 希腊悲剧 ; 古希腊悲剧 2、romantic tragedy 浪漫主义悲剧 ; 浪漫悲剧 3、A tragedy 一次灾难 ; 悲剧片 ; 一个悲剧 ; 一场悲剧 4、classical tragedy 古典悲剧 例句 They have suffered an enormous personal tragedy 他们遭逢了巨大的个人不幸 。
扩展资料 tragedy近义词:disaster 读法:英 [d??zɑ?st?(r)] 美 [d??z?st?r] 释义 [C]灾难;灾祸;灾害:an unexpected event, such as a very bad accident, a flood or a fire, that kills a lot of people or causes a lot of damage [C, U] 不幸;祸患:a very bad situation that causes problems [C, U] (informal) 彻底失败的人(或事):a complete failure 短语 1、Disaster Movie 灾难大电影 ; 灾难电影 ; 终极灾难电影 2、Disaster area 灾区 ; 受到灾害的地区 ; [农经] 受灾地区 ; 英语俚语 3、meteorological disaster [气象] 气象灾害 ; 气象灾难 4、Beautiful Disaster 美丽的灾难 ; 美妙灾难 用法 n.an accident/a disaster waiting to happen 隐患 a thing or person that is very likely to cause danger or a problem in the future because of the condition it is in or the way they behave 。

