
1. “马马虎虎”英文怎么说 用作形容词时: ordinary, run-of-the-mill
用作名词时: nothing worth discussing; nothing that the speaker wants to mention
Often used as an evasionorconversation-stopper, when nosy queries are made. It's an indirect way of telling someone to mind his own business.
例一: Mister Simpson is nothing special as a boss, but I can tell you I've worked for people a lot worse. He's lazy and not too smart, but at least he's easy to get along with.
辛普森先生作为一个老板也只能说是一般般,但是,我可以告诉你,我以前有的老板要比他糟得多 。辛普森很懒,脑子也不太灵,但是他至少还很容易相处 。
例二: That party I went to last night was nothing special. The food was okay, but there wasn't enough of it. I didn't know many people, but I met a former classmate whom I haven't seen for some time!
美国人很喜欢举行聚会,大大小小形式不同 。大型的聚会一般大概有二三十个客人 。要是你想扩大你的社交圈子,那去参加比较大的聚会会给你机会认识一些人,也许会碰到几个趣味相投的人 。但是,对那些想轻松轻松坐下聊聊天、谈谈心的人来说,他们就喜欢小型的聚会,三五个要好朋友就够了 。2. so-so 大家肯定知道so这个英文字,它可以解释为:所以 。但是,so-so和所以这个意思毫无关系 。So-so的意思就是:一般般,马马虎虎 。
用作形容词时:Neither good nor bad; tolerable, passable, indifferent.
用作副词时:Neither very well nor very poorly.
比如说,真正棒的电影只是少数,绝大多数的电影只不过是一般般而已 。请看下面这个例句:
That movie we saw last night was just so-so. It wasn't too badit was pretty funny in spots. And the action was okay. But it wasn't really worth paying seven dollars for a ticket.
昨晚我们去看的那个电影也就是一般 。它不见得太坏,有的地方还挺滑稽 。那些打的场面也还可以 。但是,花七块美元买一张门票是不值的 。
美国的电影院门票不便宜,所以有许多人宁可等电影院放过以后去专门出租电影录像带的店里借录像带回家看 。但是,要是你在晚上六点以前去看电影,那么票价就会便宜差不多一半 。还有的郊区电影院,电影票很便宜,但是,由于路比较远,只有住的比较近的人才能利用这种机会 。
美国的商店经常有减价的商品,当然,大多数的减价只是为了吸引顾客,并不见得真正的便宜 。但是,在换季的时候,商店为了腾出地方进新的商品往往会举行所谓的清仓减价活动 。这时的价格一般来说是真的便宜 。下面是一个女孩在和妈妈说她看到的一件衣服:

