1. “掌上明珠”用英语怎么说 掌上明珠 :
Sisters of Pearl;
the apple of one's eye;
the apple of someone's eye ;
one's ewe lamb;
a pearl in the palm ;
a beloved daughter ;
His youngest daughter is the apple of his eye.
他的小女儿是他的掌上明珠 。
They have no children, so their puppy is the apple of their eye.
这对夫妇没有子女,所以宠物小狗就是他们的掌上明珠 。
She said, children are the most precious gifts and life miracles for their parents.
她说,孩子是父母的掌上明珠,是生命的奇迹,是未来的希望 。
掌上明珠 [zhǎng shàng míng zhū]
比喻极受疼爱的人 。后多指极受父母钟爱的儿女 。
家中生得一女,夫妻爱之如掌上明珠 。
也作“掌上珠” 。
2. 掌上明珠用英语怎么说啊 掌上明珠Beloved daughter
倾盆大雨Torrential downpour
乱七八糟At sixes and sevens
十拿九稳Ninety percent sure
三思而后行Act only after careful consideration
小菜一碟Vegetable small dish
隔墙有耳 The partition wall has ear
洗耳恭听 Listens in reverent attention "
"以牙还牙 Tits for fat ""
千载难逢Once in a thousand years " "
墙角Corner of a wall ""
无可救药Incurable " "
重量级任务Heavyweight duty " "
"华而不实 Flashy but lacking substance " .
3. 东方明珠塔用英语怎么说 哦 我给的例子足够了吧
Yes, there are lots of them such as Terracotta Army, Huaqing Pool.
南京路、豫园,东方明珠塔等等 。
-- 脱口说英语第一册 - 24.Traveling
Integration of Time, Space and Imagery in Places of Cultural Interest——With the Case Study of Oriental Pearl Television Tower
-- 网友提供
Shanghai Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower is advanced in design and sturdy in construction.
【明珠用英语怎么写】上海东方明珠广播电视塔,设计先进,结构坚固 。
-- 英汉 - 翻译样例
From the Oriental Pearl TV Tower you can see the Bund.
从东方明珠电视塔上你可以看到外滩 。
-- mysearch.100e.com
"They like to say that the Yangpu Bridge is the longest stayed-cable Bridge in the world, and the 468m high Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower is No. 1 in Asia, etc"
杨浦大桥是世界上最大的拉索桥,468米高的东方明珠广播电视塔亚洲第一,等等 。
-- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 时事
The Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower stands on the Huangpu River and the point of Lujiazuo in Pudong
-- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 单位
The Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the elevated highways, the subways and the like have added up to Shanghai's townscape.
-- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 汉英
The Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower is equipped with an automatic modern security monitoring system
东方明珠广播电视塔还配置有现代化的安全保卫自动监控系统 。
-- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 单位
"Facing the developing Pudong new area and soaring Orient Pearl TV Tower over the Huangpu River, and next to the Nanjing Road Shopping area,Peace Hotel is an ideal place of working, staying, leisuring, entertaining and shopping for businessmen."
隔江相望崛起的浦东陆家嘴金融贸易区和东方明珠电视塔的雄姿,毗邻南京东路步行街,和平饭店是商务宾客工作、起居、休闲、娱乐、购物的好去处 。
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