
1.急求大阪地名 英文翻译 大阪市此花区西九条 和大阪市此花区四贯岛把日本地名翻译成英文时要从后开始写 。
English:Nishikujō,Konohana-ku, Osaka-shi
English:Shikanjima, Konohana-ku, Osaka-shi
假如是「大阪市此花区四贯岛2-16-29」的话,英文就是「2-16-29 Shikanjima, Konohana-ku, Osaka-shi」 。
PS:cjjames68 写错了 。
「条」的平假名的确是「じょう」、罗马音是「jou」 。可是在英文里要省略「u」,也就是「jō」 。
还有,按cjjames68那样把‘市’直接翻译成'city'的话,‘区’也要翻译啊 。
如果不信请在英文网站里查一下爱媛県的‘西条市’吧 。‘西条市’的英文就是「Saijō-shi」.
2.大阪的英语介绍作文Osaka is a 1400 before people gathered here to exchange the bustling city. Known as "water city" of Osaka, since ancient times on the river by virtue of the advantages of convergence, with China and the Korean Peninsula and the mainland to carry out frequent exchanges at the port of Osaka "Namba Zimbabwe" is the foreign exchange and the key areas . By the middle of the seventh century, the capital of Osaka "Namba Palace", as Japan's oldest city and well-vicissitudes of life and prosperity. When the capital was moved to Nara, Kyoto and other places, Osaka is still as foreign and trade exchanges constitute an important place on Japan's economic development and cultural exchanges have played a very important role. By modern times, as the flow of material at the center of the region, and to become known as a "world kitchen" commercial city. Osaka businessman unique Longing for freedom and progressive efforts to temperament, is a major feature of Osaka. Net glass, and so on behalf of the Japanese Kabuki tradition of the essence of art and culture has been preserved continues to this day, at the same time, to be known as the "poor food," food culture has been growing. Osaka divided into 26 administrative districts, were grid-like layout of the city, East and West, North and South for four downtown area. Government agencies and more concentrated in Eastern and Central Island; financial institutions, banks collect more than this bridge, bridge Korea, Midosuji and other places; companies, trading companies, the firm focused on the middle island, the Island Hall and other places; Umeda, Barton soil Tower of Babel as well as the center of the downtown area of the three major New World, many well-known theater, cinemas, hotels and department stores. Osaka high-rises, commercial prosperity, the high rate of urban greening. Osaka Street underground at upper, middle and lower three levels have their own characteristics. In between the layers and layers, spiral staircase connected. There is a man-made stream running through the Mass Street, gurgling water, clear visibility. On the ground floor on either side of the street, shops, restaurants, cinemas and a bar next to one. Osaka underground Street is a bustling business district and a unique taste tour of the resort.大阪是一座1400年以前人们在此聚集进行交流的繁华城市 。
被称为“水之都”的大阪,自古以来就凭借河海交汇之优势,与国内及中国大陆和朝鲜半岛进行频繁地交往,位于大阪的港口“难波津”是与海外进行交流的重点地区 。七世纪中叶,在大阪建都“难波宫”,它作为日本最古老的城市而久经繁荣沧桑 。
当首都被迁到奈良、京都等地之后,大阪仍作为与国外进行贸易交往的重要之地,对日本的经济发展和文化交流起到了非常重要的作用 。到了近代,它作为物质流通的中心地区,而发展成为一座被称之为“天下厨房”的商业城市 。
大阪商人所特有的向往自由和努力进取的气质,是大阪的一大特征 。净琉璃、歌舞伎等代表日本的传统艺术文化精粹,一直被保存延续至今,同时,被称之为“吃穷”的饮食文化也得到不断发展 。