1. 世态炎凉翻译英语 The feelings of people alter.;
[例句]对生命的漠视和麻木,岂止是世态炎凉 。
Disregard for human life and numbness, is not only the fickleness of the world世态炎凉
[词典] the fickleness of the world; fickleness of human friendships; inconstancy of human relationships
2. 世态炎凉翻译英语 The feelings of people alter.; [例句]对生命的漠视和麻木,岂止是世态炎凉 。
Disregard for human life and numbness, is not only the fickleness of the world世态炎凉[词典] the fickleness of the world; fickleness of human friendships; inconstancy of human relationships 。
3. 人心不古,世态炎凉用英语怎么说啊 人心不古public morality is not what is used to be
世态炎凉the fickleness of the world
inconstancy of human relationships
我们翻译的时候必须意译 。,总的来说就是relationship fluctuationO(∩_∩)O哈哈~不过还是参考一下下面吧
句子呢 可以这样翻译
The public morality is not what is used to be,and you can feel the fickleness of the world, the inconstancy of human relationships.
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