
1.蛋糕用英语怎么写一、蛋糕的英文是Cake,音标:英 [ke?k] 美 [ke?k]
1、Cake做为名词时意思为:蛋糕;糕饼;块状物;沉积物 。
例:a piece/slice of cake 一块 / 一片蛋糕
to make/bake a cake 做 / 烘烤蛋糕
a chocolate cake巧克力蛋糕
2、Cake做为vt.& vi.时意思为:(使)结块;(使)胶;涂厚厚的一层
例:The blood had begun to cake and turn brown.
血开始结块变黑 。
The nozzle also moves up and down to build
the design upwards like an expert cake icer.
这个喷嘴还向上和向下移动,以形成一个设计向上就像一个结块的冰块 。
1、第三人称单数: cakes
2、复数: cakes
3、现在分词: caking
4、过去式: caked
5、过去分词: caked
6、派生词: caked adj.
蛋糕 [dàn gāo]:[cake] 由鸡蛋、面粉以及糖、油等制成的一种松软的糕点
(1)n.have your cake and eat it
also have your cake and eat it too NAmE, BrE
to have the advantages of sth without its disadvantages;
to have both things that are available
(2)a slice/share of the cake
NAmE a piece/slice/share of the pie
a share of the available money or benefits that you believe you have a right to
(3)take the cake
= take the biscuit at biscuit
(4)go/sell like hot cakes畅销
to sell quickly or in great numbers
(5)a piece of cake
(informal) 轻而易举的事;举手之劳
a thing that is very easy to do
2.英语蛋糕的小文章带翻译沙哈蛋糕是1832年由一名[Frang Sacher]的厨师为奥地利王子制做的,后来他的儿子Eduard Sacher在奥地利维也纳歌剧院对面开了沙哈酒店,沙哈自然成为酒店的招牌名点,现在成为维也纳最著名的点心 。
19世纪20年代,当时这家贵族气派的饭店开山祖弗朗兹.沙哈,还是位默默无闻的炊事员学徒,幸运的是~沙哈却在当时权势驾临整个欧洲且极尽美食的铁腕宰相梅特涅大公爵府里学艺,某天宴请宾客时,甜点师傅恰巧生病无法到场,只好请刚出师的沙哈上场,沙哈试做了一道巧克力蛋糕,没想到在场贵族与宾客以及大公爵为之惊艳,这也就是后来举世闻名并且让美国人可以为它举办派对宴请宾客的沙哈蛋糕 。
Shah cake was in 1832 by a [Frang Sacher] Austrian chef Oji done, and later his son, Eduard Sacher in Vienna, Austria Opera House opposite the hotel opened Shah, Shah naturally become the name of the hotel's signature point, is now in Vienna's most famous dessert.
19th century 20s, when this aristocratic hotel mountains Zufu Lowndes. Shah, or places unknown cook apprentice, fortunately, ~ Shah was in power at that time your visit to Europe as a whole and his best dishes of the iron-fisted premier Mei Tenie Grand Duke palace talents, one day dinner guests, the dessert chef could not happen to fall ill to the scene, but to ask Gangchu division play Shah, Shah test done a chocolate cake, and did not expect the presence of nobles and guests as well as the Grand Duke of The stunning, which is later and let the American people can be famous for its host dinner party guests Chaha cake.

