
1.德国留学生怎么发邀请函德国一般是要求原件的,电子版的有可能会被要求补材料,当然也不一定,可以试试运气 。存U盘就没必要了,还不如找个彩色打印机打出来 。
然后你还需要写一个在德国的行程安排,就是哪天在哪里干什么之类的,相应的酒店要订上,房间订单要酒店发传真给你 。
你还需要你现在学校的同意书,就是准假证明,或是放假证明也行,表示在假期里 。
其他的就是经济类的证明材料,要看签证官要不要,最好准备上,表示你只是参加个考试,不会非法逗留,你在德国期间的费用可以自理等等 。
签证类别 基本材料 有效期 申请时间(工作日) 签证费用(RMB)
商务签证 邀请函原件,派遣函,保险,户口簿 1-3个月 3-7
旅游签证 经济证明,准假信户口簿,身份证 3个月 3-7 2500
探亲访友签证 正式邀请函,经济证明,准假信,户口簿 3个月 3-7
工作签证 公司证明,邀请函原件,户口簿,依据工作时间 2-3个月
学生签证 录取通知书,资金证明,语言成绩,学习计划 依据学习时间 依据课程类别
Zhang San
ABCstr. X, Zi.xxx
69126 Heidelberg
Jan 7 2008
Visa Section
German Consulate General
Guangzhou, P.R.China
To whom it may concern,
My name is Zhang San ( Passport No: G16012345 ), I am currently a full-time registered post-graduate student studying Biology at Heidelberg University.
I have lived in Germany for more than 2 years, and I have not seen my girl friend Li Si ( Passport No: G16054321 ) for more than one year. Therefore, I miss her more than I can say, and she misses me in the same way. That is why I am writing this letter to you to invite her to Germany so that we could both enjoy a marvelous time together.
I wish to invite her to visit and stay with me for 17 days or so, that is from March 20th to April 5th.
Besides, I live in a house with 45 square meters in area, which is more than sufficient for us to live in.
I hope she can come to join me as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of my request.
Best regards
张三 (签名)

