
1.对话怎么改写作文【对话改写怎么写】I went to the bookstore to buy a book in this morning.When I got to a crosing,I was lost.So I went to a policeman and asked him to help,he looked the way and said to me:"You just go across from this street and turn left at the first crossing.Then you will see a big building on the right near the high school.That is it."I was very happy,because I found the store soon next to the high school with the polices' help. 。
2.对话改写成短文~~~~~~~~~英This Saturday Kangkang's parents will see a movie The Sound of Music. The movie is one of Jane's favorte movies.Kangkang is very excited because he can spend the evening with his friends at his house.Kangkang's mom will prepare some delicious food for them.
How happy!
3.对话改写成短文【急】明天用Kangkang are setting the table for his friends. Mother just send three places.Michael isn't able to come.He has a temperature.His mother called just now.His mother sounded upset.Kangkang hope everything goes well. he'll ring up Michael later.He also phone Mr.Lee and tell him he can go to the movie with Kangkang and his mother 。
4.对话改写成短文~~~~~~~~~英This Saturday Kangkang's parents will see a movie The Sound of Music. The movie is one of Jane's favorte movies.Kangkang is very excited because he can spend the evening with his friends at his house.Kangkang's mom will prepare some delicious food for them. How happy!你不是很上进啊!!!!!!!! 。
5.英语对话改写成短文Lucy had a wonderful weekend.On Saturday morning she palyed tennis. And on Saturday afternoon she went to the beach , on Saturday night she also went to the movies.On Sunday she cleaned my room ,played soccer and did my homework. 这个对话主要是Lucy 和Bob在谈论Lucy的周末怎么过 。
加上适当对时间的删减,这样应该可以交差了吧? 加油!你可以学好英语的 。
6.帮忙把下面的对话改写为短文(不是翻译)They usually have lunch at school.They seldom eat out on school days. I:Do they have a short rest after lunch? M:No,they don't. I:What time is school over,then? M:At about 3 o'clock. I:What do they do in their free time ? M:They often play basketball or soccer,go swimming and so on. I:And how often do they have ball games? M:They have ball games four time s a year 。

