
1.预拌混凝土英文怎么写预拌混凝土 翻译成英文是:ready-mixed concreteready-mixed concrete [词典] 预拌混凝土; [例句]Establishment and management of stand-by mix proportions for ready-mixed concrete Mix pancake mix with other seasonings. 预拌混凝土备用配合比的建立与管理把面团和其它的调味料搅拌混合起来 。
也可以翻译为:premixed concretepremixed concrete [词典] 预拌混凝土; [例句]There are a lot of factors which influence premixed concrete quality bothin technique and management. 影响预拌混凝土质量的因素有很多,既有技术上的因素,也有管理上的因素 。
2.关于烹饪的英文单词剁 chop, cut
煎 fry
炒 stir fry
烹 boil
炸 deep fried
【搅拌英文怎么写的】蒸 steam (steamed rice - 白饭)
搅拌 stir, mix
洗菜 wash vegetable
Recipe 。
1. Place the egg(eggs) into six cups of water (water needs to be over the whole egg), boil it(them) for eight minutes
2. Take the egg(eggs) out to cool down, then de-shell it(them).
3. Cut the egg(eggs) in half with saw shaped knife,then cut the bottom flat, take the yolk out.
4. Mix the meat with seasoning, place it into the egg(eggs) the albumen. Put them on the plate. Then, steam it(them) for twelve minutes.
5. After all, sprinkle a little egg yolk on top.
6. Stir the egg yolk, then pour into a bowl,place egg drop on top.
I like your recipe~ ^_^
3.厨师的英语单词怎么写Head Chef ——厨师 corkscrew 开塞钻 lunch box 饭盒 rice bowl 饭碗 round plate 圆盘 plastic chopsticks 塑胶筷 enamelled cup 搪瓷杯 microwave oven 微波烤箱 ashtray 烟灰缸 ash-shovel 煤灰铲 kerosene stove 煤油炉 gas-stop |32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333264623833 gas-cock 煤气开关 gas-ring | gas-burner 煤气喷嘴 briquette 煤球 shovel 煤铲 coal stove 煤炉 bowl 碗 cupboard 碗橱 chopsticks 筷子 chopsticks rest 筷子架 wine glass 葡萄酒杯 filter 过滤器 microwave oven 电子微波炉 electric cooker 电子锅 electronic oven 电子炉 refrigerator 电冰箱 freezer 电冰柜 electric coffee pot 电咖啡壶 electric coffee percolator 电咖啡滤壶 electric radiator 电暖炉 electric saucepan 电蒸锅 immersion heater 电热水棒 electric heater 电热水器 electric heater 电热器 automatic rice cooker 电锅 electric stove 电炉 electric mixer 电搅拌器 saucer 垫碟 juicer | juice extracter 榨汁器 skimmer 漏勺 funnel 漏斗 rinsing sink 漂清池 | 过碗池 gravy bowl 卤汁缸 plate 碟 | 浅碟 dish 碟子 ice-machine 制冰机 bread maker | toaster 制面包机 noodle press 制面机 rack 蒸架 steamer 蒸笼 silver chopsticks 银筷 silver | silver plate 银器餐具 chopping knife | kitchen knife 厨刀 kitchen 厨房 mould | form 模子 hot shot water machine 热饮水机 plate 盘 dish-cover 盘盖 scales 磅秤 rubber gasket 胶圈 relish tray 调味盘 spoon 调羹 vinegar cruet 醋瓶 aluminium pot 铝锅 built-in cupboard 壁橱 jar 坛 oval plate 椭圆盘 grindstone | knife sharpener 磨刀石 knife-grinder | knife-grinder whet-stone 磨刀轮 kettle 烧水壶 gourd dipper 瓢 syrup jug 糖汁壶 sugar tongs 糖夹 sugar-bowl 糖盅 sugar scoop 糖匙 sugar bowl 糖碗 sugar container 糖罐 fork | table fork 餐叉 knife | table knife 餐刀 table napkin | serviette 餐巾 sideboard 餐具柜 plate basket 餐具篮 paper napkin 餐纸 spoon | tablespoon 餐匙 pressure cooker 压力锅 wok 锅 | 镬 wok stand 锅架 cover 锅盖 spatula | slice 锅铲 lemon squeezer 柠檬挤汁器 pastry box 点心盒 dessert plate 点心碟 pastry plate 点心盘 strainer 滤器 jar 坛 soy bottle | soy cruet 酱油瓶 cocktail cup 鸡尾酒杯 range 炉灶 fire box 炉膛 toast rack 面包架 bread plate 面包盘 bread basket 面包篮 breadboard 面板 noodle maker 面条机 blender 搅拌器 mixer 搅拌机 can opener 罐头刀 salt cellar 盐盅 salt shaker 盐瓶 salt cellar 盐碟 sifter 箩斗 | 粉筛 skewer 烤 knead 揉 mix 搅拌 sprinkle 撒 dice 切丁 mash 捣成泥 pour 倒 spread 涂 peel 削皮 squeeze 挤 roll 滚,碾 grate 磨碎 crush 挤压 压碎 whisk 打,搅拌 slice 切片 carve 切块 sift/sieve 筛分; 过滤 chop 剁 dip 蘸 drain/strain 沥干 。