
1.冷酷的英文怎么写as hard as nails adv.身体结实, 冷酷inexorability n.不赦免, 无情, 冷酷 inexorable adj.无情的obduracy n.冷酷无情, 顽固, 执拗 obdurate adj.冷酷无情的, 顽固的, 执拗的steeliness n.钢制, 冷酷, 顽固cool adj.凉爽, 冷静的, 无所顾虑的, 淡漠的,帅气的,酷呆了.callous adj 无情的,冷淡的,硬结的cold-blooded adj冷漠的grim adj严酷的hardhearted adj 无情的,冷酷的,心肠硬的relentless adj 无情的 。
2.能不能直接说出冷漠这两个字用英语怎么写冷漠的 adj. indifferent ; unconcerned; offish; unbending; bland 例句: 在一个冷漠的社会里被迫沦为社会最贫苦的人群,他们除了自己的才能无所依靠 。
【冷漠的英语怎么写】 Forced into an adversarial position with an indifferent society, they have nothing to fall back on but their talents. 听这个中国西南部的野生动物园保安们冷漠的说,在这个虎年刚到的时候,从上周日开始他们再也不想再看到他 。Wardens at the wildlife park in southwest China say, indifferently, that they do not expect him to see the start of the Year of the Tiger which began last Sunday.希望能帮助到你,望采纳 。

