
1.英语从一到二十怎么写1. one:[w?n]
2. two: [tu:]
3. three :[θri:]
4. four:[f?:]
5. five [faiv]
6. six [siks]
7. seven:['sevn]
8. eight:[eit]
9. nine [nain]
10.ten [ten]
11.eleven :[i'levn]
12.twelve :[twelv]
13.thirteen :['θ?:ti:n]
14.fourteen :['f?:'ti:n]
15.fifteen :['fif'ti:n]
16.sixteen :['siks'ti:n]
17 seveteen :[,sevn'ti:n]
18 eighteen:['ei'ti:n]
19.nineteen :['nain'ti:n]
20.twenty ['twenti]
2.英文名怎么写你好 , 如果你是按中文名的拼音来写的
举个例子 , 比如“李小红”这个名字 , 有两种写法 , 都正确 , 不过使用习惯不同
1)Li Xiaohong ( 这种一般写给中国人或会中文的人看 , 因为中国人习惯姓在前 , 名在后 , 你这样写的话 , 读出来时他也才容易明白)
2)Xiaohong Li (这个比较正式 , 国际上的正式场合用这种比较好 , 而且这个多是写给外国人看的 , 因为英语国家的外国人习惯姓在前 , 名在后)
如果你的英文名是取外国名字 , 则只需记住前后顺序是“ 名字+ 姓” 就行了
希望对你能有所帮助 。
英语翻译:And what about you?
英 [w?t] 美 [wɑ:t]
pron.(用以询问某人或某事物的词)什么 , 多少;…的事物 。
adj.…的(事物或人) 。
And what about you, my sneaky daughter?
那你呢 , 我的小鬼头女儿?
Monica: And what about you, Yunbo, what do you do?
莫尼卡:云波 , 你呢 , 你是做什么的?
I love you so much and what about you.
我很喜欢你 , 那么你呢?
This is my childhood, and what about you?
这就是我的小时候 。你小时候是怎么样的?
I like music and reading. What about you?
我喜欢音乐和读书 , 你呢?
And what about when you try and try but you just don't have that coveted green thumb?
1.作为疑问代词 , 引导特殊疑问句 , 在句中作主语、宾语、表语 。如:
What's your name?
2. 作形容词用 , 修饰名词 , 表示“什么的” , “哪个的” 。如:
What subject do you like best? 你最喜欢哪一个学科?
I shall be back this evening. I am not sure what train. 我今晚上回去 , 没确定哪一趟火车 。
注意与which的区别 , 选择有范围时 , 一般用which , 当选择无范围时 , 常用what 。试比较:
What novel would you like? 你喜欢哪本小说?
Which dictionary would you like, this one or that one? 你喜欢哪一本辞典 , 是这本还是哪本?
3.用来询问天气、日期、时间、价格等 。如:
What's the weather like today? 今天的天气怎么样?
What's the date today? 今天几号?
What day was it yesterday? 昨天星期几?
What's the price of the dictionary? 这本辞典多少钱?
4.引导感叹句 , 修饰名词 , 如果所修饰的名词是单数可数名词 , 则在名词前加a或an 。如:
What a fine day it is! 天气多好啊!
What an interesting story you told us! 你给我们讲了个多么有趣的故事啊!
注意与how的区别 , 所修饰的词是形容词或副词 , 则用how来引导 。试比较: