
1.“报关员”的英语怎样写customs declarer或者customs specialist都可以
customs clearance 清关,结关(多指货物的一般贸易征税报关)
customs declaration 海关申报(多指个人物品或者保税货物的报关),还有报关单的意思 。
customs inspection 海关查验
customs officer 海关关员
customs broker 报关公司
在美国,有一个职业叫Certified Customs Specialist(CCS),即注册报关师 。
2.清关用英语怎么表达在英语表达上,Customs clearance 是指通关或清关 。
但意思较含糊,有一个单词liquidation,也可用作清关,指办理完结一切手续 。如果不是正规的法律文件,可以使用前者 。
清关英语 Clear Custom 清关(动词) customs clearance 清关 (名词) (报关动词)apply to Customs (名词)Customs application declare at the customs 报关 同样,载运进出口货物的各种运输工具进出境或转运,也均需向海关申报,办理海关手续,得到海关的许可 。货物在结关期间,不论是进口、出口或转运,都是处在海关监管之下,不准自由流通 。
退运清关流程 报关委托书、报检委托书、发票 箱单、提单 出口时的正本出口报关单和核销单,如已退税,要开补税证明及已核销证明 中文的正本情况说明(阐明退运的原因和处理方案)退运协议细节可向货代咨询 进出口商向海关报关时,需提交以下单证: 1、进出口货物报关单 。一般进口货物应填写一式二份;需要由海关核销的货物,如加工贸易货物和保税货物等,应填写专用报关单一式三份;货物出口后需国内退税的,应另填一份退税专用报关单 。
2、货物发票 。要求份数比报关单少一份,对货物出口委托国外销售,结算方式是待货物销售后按实销金额向出口单位结汇的,出口报关时可准予免交 。
3、陆运单、空运单和海运进口的提货单及海运出口的装货单 。海关在审单和验货后,在正本货运单上签章放行退还报关贡,凭此提货或装运货物 。
4、货物装箱单 。其份数同发票 。
但是散装货物或单一品种且包装内容一致的件装货物可免交 。由此可见,清关是报关流程中的最后一关,同时也需要引起外贸企业的重视 。
毕竟进行外贸往来时会涉及清关流程,特别是面对国外客户,要懂得对于清关用英语表达的说法,这样更有利于增进沟通,从而促进成交率 。
3.写一篇关于老人出国时在海关该怎么做的英语作文Two nearly sixty years old, do not speak English, not abroad, in order to Mid-Autumn Festival reunion with her daughter to visit the newborn grandson, traveled rushed to the United States. Videos do with her writing for an Exit and Entry Raiders, illustrated, nuanced, each permeated with a deep sense of family. Son wants his parents are still really blessing! As the old saying, the mother worried about children traveling thousands of miles, thousands of miles and now the parents, but also worried about her daughter again care. The deep affection, is how far can not be obstructed! So, at the same time concerned about male and female friends, good friends, do not forget, also take the time to spend more time with my parents, they are more concerned about! If you grew up in an ordinary family, if your parents are still alive, and whether you have to live with them. 。
4.英语翻译1.when did you borrow this book? I borrowed it 2 days before.
2.Did you see the inspector?I saw her just now.
3.Where did you find your wallet?I found it at the shelf over there.
4.How did you get this dictionary?My brother sent it to me last week.
5.My father often went abroad when he was young.