
leak 读法 英 [li?k] 美 [li?k]
1、heat leak 热漏失,热泄漏
2、leak rate 漏失率;渗漏率;泄漏率;漏气率
3、leak hunting 检漏,寻漏
4、leak testing 测漏试验,检漏试验
5、leak tightness 密封性;渗漏紧度
drip 读法 英 [dr?p] 美 [dr?p]
1、v. 滴下,使滴下;(液体)滴下,漏下;充满;溢出,发出
2、n. 水滴;滴水声;滴注器,静脉滴注;滴水槽;(非正式)窝囊废,平庸乏味者,使人厌烦的人
1、drip irrigation 滴灌;滴流灌溉
2、intravenous drip 静脉滴注法
3、drip from 从…上滴下
4、drip with 往下滴
5、water drip 滴水槽
drip, leak这组词都有“滴,漏”的意思,其区别是:
1、drip 侧重以点滴形式下落,也指漏出或溢出 。
2、leak 侧重液体或气体等从容器漏出,或泄漏了消息 。
2.这句英文翻译漏洞很多,如果我要修改,该怎么修改翻译英文<此刻我终于搂住他的腰了.<你猜猜他腰围是多少??> -This moment I finally put my arm round his waist. You guess how much is his waist??我提点意见吧:This moment不能做状语,少了介词in 。
finally可以放在句末 。round是名词,around才是介词 。
You guess how much is his waist?? Can you guess dimension of his waist??<看他的腰这粗小号腰围的裤子他肯定穿不了.>-See this crude trumpet his waist pants waist he certainly can not wear.这个长句最好断句,另外腰太粗而穿不下,too fat to wear之类就可以搞定 。<我的腰很粗吗??感觉你腰也不比我细多少哦>Am I waist very rough?? Feel you are not much better than I thinwaist oh>我反正已经努力修改了,也许还是有点中式话 。
.<!--此刻我终于搂住他的腰了.-am是I的副词,这里主语是我的腰,而不是我 。
要么翻译 Am I so fat? 或者Is my waist too fat?Feel you are not much better than I thinwaist oh-少了主语I,最好是I feel~,当然如果是口语有时候是可以省略的,前期是之前连续说了好几句I作为主语的,这样自然一些 。感觉你腰也不比我细多少哦 可以直接翻译为 我不认为你的腰比我细 。
可以不用在从句中否定语态,直接I dont think your waist is slimmer than mine.多联系就可以了,翻译要尽量简明扼要,不需要多华丽复杂,毕竟语言是让人容易看懂的 。记住,Directly,Simple 。
Finally ,hope you enjoy the study on your own. 。
3.BUG是什么意思,英文诠释怎么写bug [b?ɡ]
1. general term for any insect or similar creeping or crawling invertebrate
2. a fault or defect in a system or machine
3. a small hidden microphone; for listening secretly
4. insects with sucking mouthparts and forewings thickened and leathery at the base; usually show incomplete metamorphosis
5. a minute life form (especially a disease-causing bacterium); the term is not in technical use
1. annoy persistently
2. tap a telephone or telegraph wire to get information
Is this hotel room bugged?
Bug 原意为臭虫,现可指漏洞,
是指操作系统和应用软件中存在的缺陷 。

