
1.劳拉的星星剧情介绍英文The hero of the film is naive and stubborn 7-year-old girl Laura, the family just returned from the countryside moved to the city, because Laura's mother was invited to a theater for the cellist. Laura's father side to take care of household chores while working at home. Laura's little brother named Tommy, curious and bold, and sometimes naughty behavior will make people angry endless, is a typical naughty. Laura Zhang parents out list, read all miss the countryside: lush apple tree, hill every day to leave her footprint on a small area, and her swing, grass and wild flowers。
。Suddenly, Laura lying on the floor downstairs to see Tommy's toys, think again must be the daredevil forgetful, so she ran down the stairs, pick up that toy, a rush and hit a neighbor's boy with Marx, because the calf is crashed, and she had to go home to his father dressing. It moved into new home on the first day, not only miss a lot more memory, more to the left a mark on Laura's body. By this time, Marx toys are tied to Tommy lost in their own model airplane, then fly the aircraft, it falls firmly Laura's roof. Marx carefully hiding away for fear of Laura did not find this "secret." Time soon at night, tossing and turning in bed, Laura, Minnie and her teddy bear with a rabbit to the roof at the stars. When she returned to bed again, ready to go to sleep, they found something wrong around, she saw a strange thing is to climb the window, then disappeared in the roof. Laura with out this little thing like a Viking send interesting sound, and turn on the roof. Laura was the night sky light and different from the past, the stars are bright still blinked, Laura rubbed his eyes in disbelief in front of "dream." Suddenly covered with a halo around the small star falling to the ground, straight from Laura. Stars fall garden bushes, follow and to find the stars of Laura lost a leg, she carefully picked up the stars and comfort with it, because Laura felt that star and its the same boat, suddenly came to this strange world And I feel lonely. Laura will star back home, to have their own stars and feel excited, and she intended not to tell anyone this secret. Laura found the star legs broken, re-connected with the plaster. Star happy to fly up, spread it Stardust, a miracle happened, sleep in the yard of Minnie rabbit teddy bear and started to move up, they are given life. Laura worried that the stars will suffer from homesickness and his the same, but the stars quickly dispelled her concerns. Laura found her to participate in performances actually forgot to bring the bow, she took the bow and ran to the theater. Because of the unfamiliar surroundings, Laura lost halfway through, but fortunately the stars arrived, something unexpected happened, Laura's star really fly, it will pack up and Laura flew toward the theater. Laura is a mother working in theater magnificent building, the stars with Laura landed safely in the theater roof. Have followed them Marx could not believe his eyes, he stars with Laura witnessed the flight and then disappeared over the theater. Laura bow while the mother called back when the Qin He, and then carefully returned to the stars around. Laura's mother regained bow surprised to see, after all, this is her first time at this theater performances. But this time, Laura is faced with a difficult decision, has been inseparable from the stars, she will return to the sky and the stars leave their hometown of it?影片的主人公是天真而固执的7岁的小女孩劳拉,他们全家刚从乡下搬到城里,因为劳拉的妈妈应邀到一家剧院32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333264643664作大提琴手 。
劳拉的爸爸边照顾家务边在家里工作 。劳拉的小弟弟叫汤米,好奇而冒失,有时顽皮的举止会让人恼怒不已,是一个典型的淘气鬼 。
【劳拉的英文怎么写】劳拉给父母列了张单子,上面写着想念的乡下的一切:那棵葱郁的苹果树,山顶上每天都会留下她足迹的一小片地方,还有她的秋千、草地和野花……突然,劳拉看见楼下的地上躺着汤米的玩具,想到一定是这个冒失鬼又在丢三落四,于是她奔下楼梯去拿那件玩具,匆忙间和邻居家的男孩马克思撞在一起,因为小腿被撞破了,她不得不回家让父亲包扎 。这搬进新家的第一天,不仅多了不少怀念的记忆,更给劳拉的身体留下印记 。