I hope we can be good friends!(我希望我们能成为好朋友)
OK.This is me .A sunny boy.(好了,这就是我,一个阳光男孩)
~手机提问者在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可 。
5.如何写评课稿一、评课的三个阶段(1)评课前的准备:课程标准要熟练;对教材要有很好的理解;了解相关的理论 。
(2)课堂的观察——观察教师、学生的活动(3)课后的分析交流:提出问题;研究问题;解决问题 。二、听课的四要素:看:师生的活动 。
听:教师的语言 。记:运用规范的符号纪录,便于分析、统计 。
想:教学思想;教学目标;教学结构;重点难点;教学方法;教师板书;学生活动 。三、评课五不要:不要挖苦讽刺;不要轻易下结论;不要以个人的倾向品评;不要居高临下、趾高气扬;不要信口开河 。
四、评课三为主:要以肯定成绩为主;要以帮助提高为主;要以鼓励改革为主 。五、评课的两个突出:突出重点;突出特点 。
六、评课的五个关注点:研讨课:围绕研讨,关注未来 。要谈建议、主张,少说定型之言 。
示范课:关注闪光点,以介绍新思想、新思路为主,多说优点少说缺点 。交流课:提自己的看法时,多一些商量,少一些武断,关注点在——互动 。
调研课:注重观察分析,多谈现象,关注原因 。检查课:评价的目标,多量化少笼统,关注点在综合性 。
6.英语老师如何评课我听课评课,一般只看两样:这位老师是否在展示他独到的教学理念,和体现这个理念的训练方法,这些理念和方法不是在告诉学生“这个知识是什么?”(鱼),而是训练学生“老师,你是怎么知道这个知识是怎么来的? 。
我也想自己知道怎么来的,而不是总是由你告诉我,告诉我什么我就知道得到什么,不告诉我就不知道(渔)” 。我一般不看老师的如何组织教学,什么精讲多练这些东西 。
不能授“渔”,这些授“鱼”的技术动作做得再多,还是没有改变授“鱼”的本质 。而且,“玩”这种“分小组”上课,角色扮演之类的游戏性质的教学,大家都能做的,只是做的好一点差一点而已 。
而只有“示范”到他自己潜心研究,与众不同的教学理念和贯彻这些理念的教学动作,我觉得才是真正享受到一节“示范课”大餐 。这个说起来有“玄学点”,可是,听课时,我是真正只看有没有这些东西的 。
如果没有,这节课可听可不听 。
7.求一篇英语说课稿子~Teaching Plan Interpretation (说课稿)Teaching material(教学内容):Unit8 Sports ReadingⅠ. The reading text is mainly about the Olympic Games: the winter and summer Olympic Games, the ancient and modern OG, the Olympic motto, and China's preparation for the 2008 OG. The students should not only get familiar with all of these, but also think about what they can do for the OG. In fact, in my design, to know something about OG is one of the things that we can do to support the 2008 OG.Teaching aims(教学目标):① To improve the students' reading skills.② To enable the students to know sth about OG.③ T increase the students' awareness of being the host of the 2008 OG and what they can do to support the big event.Teaching aids(教学手段): Multimedia, a recorder.Teaching procedures(教学过程):Step1. Pre-reading(读前)As a beginning of a reading class, pre-reading should attract the students quickly and lead them to what they are going to learn. As a result, I show them the pictures of five mascots of 2008 OG in China, which were announced just days before and which I think may avtivate the students' interests. Step2. Fast-reading (快速阅读)After talking about the five friendlies, I went on saying that the 2008 OG will be held in China asked them to think about what we could do to support the event. First of all, we should know more about the OG. Then I asked the students to do the fast reading, which is to match each paragraph with their main ideas. I didn't ask them to conclude the main idea of each paragraph by themselves but offered them the main ideas and what they should do is only to match them.Step3. Careful-reading. (详细阅读)After getting the main ideas of the whole text, I go on teaching the detail content. As for paragraph 1, I showed a picture of skiing first and then asked them how often the summer and winter OG are held. In order to help the students better understand the difference between ancient and modern OG, I designed a form for the students to fill in and asked them to read paragraph 2 and 3 and then find the information. Then I asked them to read paragraph 3 again and find the improvement of modern OG from the first to now. paragraph 4 is about the Olympic motto and two examples. One is a person, Carl Lewis, who got 4 gold medals in 1984 OG and the other is a country, China, which got 28 gold medals in 2000 and make great improvement. In paragraph 5, I talked about another great competition China won, that is winning the bid to host the 2008 OG. I showed pictures of excited people when they heard the news that they won the bid. Then I asked them a question: what will be done to prepare the 2008 OG? What will Beijing and the whole country do? The students can read the last paragraph and find the answer.Step4. Post-reading(读后)In this part, I divided the whole class into two groups, boys and girls, and asked them to have a debate about the good effects and bad effects on Beijing to host the 2008 OG. Since it's a competition, students seemed to be much interested in it. Many students gave their opinions. At last, the students did a true or false exercise and reviewed what they have learned today.Some lessons I learned from this class(教学启示): ① Prepare well for each teaching step and each word you are going to say in the class.② When design a reading class, one should not be limited to the model, but should teach according to the characteristics of the text and the real situations of the students.③ If it is an open class, you'd better add something outside the book. 。