
1.脚趾的英语单词是什么【脚趾的英语怎么写】脚趾的英语单词是toe 。
一、读音:英 [t??] 美 [to?] 二、释义n.脚趾 , 脚尖;(鞋 , 袜的)足尖部;[体]高尔夫球棒的尖端;轴踵vt.用脚尖触;[体]用高尔夫球棒尖端击;斜钉(钉子);动脚尖 , 脚尖朝(方向)vi.动脚尖;用足尖跳舞三、相关短语keep sb on their toes (通过出其不意的行动)使保持警觉 make sb's toes curl 使人尴尬;使人难为情 dig your heels/toes in 拒不让步;固执己见 dip a toe in/into the water 涉足试试;试做 四、例句1、This may encourage gold traders to dip their toes back into the markets这可能会促使黄金交易商谨慎地尝试重返市场 。2、His fiery campaign rhetoric has kept opposition parties on their toes for months. 他激烈的竞选言辞使反对党派一连几个月都保持警觉 。
扩展资料一、toe的第三人称单数和复数: toes toesn.脚趾;脚趾( toe的名词复数和第三人称单数 );(鞋 , 袜的)足尖部;脚趾状物例句:Dry your feet well and then dust between the toes with baby powder. 把脚完全擦干 , 在脚趾间撒上婴儿爽身粉 。二、toe的现在分词: toeing toeing英 ['t????] 美 ['to???] 轮子斜向;toe的现在分词例句:I can read music and have figured out the` toeing` by myself," he told.他说:我能读懂乐谱 , 还琢磨出用脚趾弹钢琴的方法 。
三、toe的过去式: toedtoed英 [t??d] 美 [to?d] adj.有趾的 , 斜着钉进去的v.toe的过去式例句:I was younger then and, wearing steel toed boots. 我那时很年轻 , 还穿着铁头长靴 。

