
seventy-one seventy-two seventy-three seventy-four seventy-five seventy-six seventy-seven seventy-eight seventy-nine
eighty-one eighty-two eighty-three eighty-four eighty-five eighty-six eighty-seven eighty-eight eighty-nine
2.10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 英语怎么写太简单了,如下:基数——序数——序数缩写
【英语七十怎么写】10:ten tenth 10th
20:twenty twentieth 20th
30:thirty thirtieth 30th
40:forty fortieth 40th
50:fifty fiftieth 50th
60:sixty sixtieth 60th
70:seventy seventieth 70th
80:eighty eightieth 80th
90:ninety ninetieth 90th
3.写一篇七十字的英语作文Dear David:
How is it going?I hope you are in good health.Now,let me tell you how to learn Chinese well.There are lots of things you could do. First, you can read some Chinese books and listen to some Chinese music. Second,you should make some Chinese friends, and talk to them every day.Finally,you can play football,play basketball,and go swimming with your Chinese friends.It's easy to study Chinese.
I hope you'll fall in love with it!
Yous, Wang Ming
啊……打的累死了…这是我把我期末考试的作文改了改 应该没啥错 你可以再检查检查
O(∩_∩)O~ 选我吧~~~
4.求写个英语作文七十词左右Dear Simon, We are going to have a birthday party for XX. Would you like to come to our party? The party will be on Friday, from 7pm to 9pm. We will get together on the second floor in the Students' Center to celebrate XX's birthday. We will sing Happy Birthday song for her/him and play games together. There is also going to be a delicious birthday cake and many beautiful flowers waiting for you. We are going to give him/her a big surprise, so please keep the secret for us. We really hope you can come and have fun! Yours,紶锭官瓜擢盖规睡海精 XX 。

