
1.“流星雨”英文简写怎么写meteor shower 。
meteor shower,音标为['mi?t??],['?a??],按音标读 。
meteor r shower 流星雨
Quadrantid meteor shower 象限仪座流星雨
Orionid Meteor Shower 猎户座流星雨
1、Ha-ha, "Meteor Shower" ?I've watched it too. Just like a joke, too funny!
哈哈,一起来看流星雨?我也看了 。跟个笑话似的,太可笑了!
2、Welcomed by skygazers on this winter's night, a bright meteor from the annual Geminid meteorshower also flashes through the frame.
【流星雨的英文怎么写】这样的冬季深受天文观测者欢迎,一年一度的双子座流星雨也在这幅图画中留下了明亮的轨迹 。
3、Created as planet Earth sweeps through dusty debris from mysterious, asteroid-like, 3200 Phaethon, the annual Geminid Meteor Shower should be the best meteor shower of the year.
尘埃碎片从地球上神秘的,第3200号小行星“法厄同”穿过,使得每年的双子座流星雨成为了一年中最好的流星雨 。
2.请问“流星雨”用英语怎么说啊流星雨: 1. meteor shower2. star shower3. shower of meteor4. meteoric showerMeteorshower begin in earnest in mid-July.流星雨真正开始是在七月中旬 。
The apparent celestial origin of a meteoric shower.流星群的辐射点明显的流星雨太空光源a transient shower of meteors when a meteor swarm enters the earth's atmosphere.当流星涌入地球大气圈出现的短暂的流星雨 。One of the falling stars of the meteor shower recurring annually in mid-November.狮子(座)流星,十一月流星在每年十一月中旬,重复出现的流星雨中的一颗流星Jilin meteorite shower吉林陨石雨 。

