1.写有一个小村庄的英文作文In the valley, there is a small village beautiful.
【村庄用英文怎么写】The mountains lush trees. You see, that green was not a mottled leaves, like asmall green umbrella. Listen, the birds in the tree branches jumps back and forth, singing a happy song, make people feel fresh.
The village before the water clear bottomed out. As long as you lower the head,can see the river green brown stone, and lively and clever fish. You listen to, the stream is playing a harp, cheerfully ran down the hill.
The sky is blue and far-reaching, you see, there are some clouds in the sky,sometimes into a few sheep on the grassland, stretch as far as eye can seeeating grass; sometimes become a dragon in the sky, playing with beads, very interesting.
The air is fresh and sweet little village, as long as you use the nose to smell, can smell a fragrance, gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind.
Ah! I love you, a beautiful small village!
山谷中,有一个美丽迷人的小村庄 。
山上树林郁郁葱葱 。你看,那绿得没有一点杂色的树叶,像一把把绿色的小伞 。你听,小鸟们在大树枝间来回跳动,唱着欢快的歌,使人心旷神怡 。
村前的河水清澈见底 。你只要低下头,就可以看见河里青褐色的石头,和活泼机灵的小鱼了 。你听,那小河弹着琴,欢快地跑下山去 。
天空湛蓝深远,你瞧,天空中飘着几朵白云,时而变成几只绵羊,在一望无际的草原上吃着草;时而变成一条条龙,在天空中玩着珠子,有趣极了 。
小村庄的空气清新甜润,你只要用鼻子闻一闻,就会闻到一股股香味,沁人心脾 。
2.用英文介绍村庄,还要带中文翻译,3—5句话This village is called-----. This village is a very beautiful place. The river is very clear and fishes live there. The people is very peaceful and quiet. I like this village because I can relax. 这个村庄的名字是---- 。这个村庄很美 。河水很清,还有鱼 。人们都很和蔼安静 。我喜欢这个村庄的原因是因为我可以在那里觉得很轻松 。