
1.怦然心动英文怎么说怦然心动,用英文表达就是:Heart Attack或者Flipped 。
相关的短语: 怦然心动做某事 palpitating with excitement eager to do sth.怦然心动吧 Kuch Kuch Hota Hai我便怦然心动 makes my heart beat fast怦然心动专辑 Kuch Kuch Hota Hai我怦然心动 My Heart Leaps Up 相关的例句: 不错哦,即使对靠石油发财的人来说这也是一笔怦然心动的收入 。Not bad, even for an oil man. 她永远也忘不了她听到时那怦然心动的感觉,仿佛她是第一次听到这样慢吞吞的、响亮的、音乐般的声音! She would never forget the leap of her heart as she heard it, as if for the first time, drawling , resonant , musical. 任何人都不应该满足于毫无乐趣而言的工作,但我也不能强迫人们对那些绝佳的工作怦然心动吧 。
No one should settle for boring work, but I can't force people to want heart pumping awesomework 。. 。
2.怦然心动英文怎么说怦然心动,用英文表达就是:Heart Attack或者Flipped 。
1. 怦然心动做某事 palpitating with excitement eager to do sth.
2. 怦然心动吧 Kuch Kuch Hota Hai
3. 我便怦然心动 makes my heart beat fast
4. 怦然心动专辑 Kuch Kuch Hota Hai
5. 我怦然心动 My Heart Leaps Up
1. 不错哦,即使对靠石油发财的人来说这也是一笔怦然心动的收入 。
Not bad, even for an oil man.
2. 她永远也忘不了她听到时那怦然心动的感觉,仿佛她是第一次听到这样慢吞吞的、响亮的、音乐般的声音!
She would never forget the leap of her heart as she heard it, as if for the first time, drawling , resonant , musical.
3. 任何人都不应该满足于毫无乐趣而言的工作,但我也不能强迫人们对那些绝佳的工作怦然心动吧 。
No one should settle for boring work, but I can't force people to want heart pumping awesomework.
Julie Baker (Madeline Carroll) devoutly believes in three things: the tree is holy (especially her favorite phoenix tree), and the eggs she produces in the backyard are the most hygienic. And one day she will kiss Bryce Roskil (Karan McAvery).
(朱莉·贝克(玛德琳·卡罗尔饰)虔诚地相信三件事:树是圣洁的(特别是她最爱的梧桐树)、她在后院里饲养的鸡生出来的鸡蛋是最卫生的、以及总有一天她会和布莱斯·罗斯基(卡兰·麦克奥利菲饰)接吻 。)
【怦然心动的英语怎么写】In the second year, when I saw Bryce's blue eyes, Julie's heart was hit by him. Unfortunately, Bryce never felt about her. Moreover, he thinks that Julie is a bit strange, how can someone see the chicken and sit under the tree as fun.
(二年级时在看到布莱斯的蓝眼睛那一瞬间,朱莉的心就被他击中了 。不幸的是,布莱斯对她从来没有感觉 。而且,他认为朱莉有点怪,怎么会有人把养鸡和坐在树下看成乐趣呢 。)
Unexpectedly, in the eighth grade, Bryce began to feel that Julie's unusual interest and pride in the family made her look very attractive.
(没想到,到了八年级,布莱斯开始觉得朱莉不同寻常的兴趣和对于家庭的自豪感使她显得很有魅力 。)
And Julie began to think that Bryce's beautiful blue eyes may be as empty as himself. After all, how can someone not take the other people's feelings about trees and chickens seriously?
该片根据文德琳·范·德拉安南的同名原著小说改编 。
据导演罗伯·莱纳透露,本片的制作费用大约在1400万美元左右,但是他同时也抱怨,为了进入主流院线,在宣传、市场方面要花上比纯影片制作费用更多的钱 。