
1.英语作文:写萨拉的做法.90词.Fruit salad practice step 2,peanuts in the fry pan stir-fry.Fruit salad practice step 3,peanuts to wear load last bag,with rolling pin pressure into granulated.Fruit salad practice step 4,peanuts into the bowl,add some water,and then pour coconut powder,stir well to make a salad dressing.Fruit salad practice step 5,purple tomatoes cut two disc,banana slices,pitaya,apple slices for later use.Fruit salad practice step 5,purple tomatoes,bananas,apples,pitaya in a bowl,salad sauce into a bowl,stir well can open to eat.1,cut good apples to put on the water,prevent oxidation black.2,peanut can into powder,also can crush in granulated,different taste.3,can use the nuts instead of peanuts.4,if afraid of trouble and not afraid of fat,high heat,can also in the supermarket to buy ready-made salad dressing well 。
2.我叫萨拉英语作文I'm sararh. I'm XXX years old. I'm a XXX school student. I have XXX subjects in the school, thay are Chinese, English, Math, Mucsic, PE, Computer and XXX. My favouriate subject is XXX becuse it is interesting. The most difficult subject for me is XXX. I got a bit low score last time. 。
3.写一篇英语作文关于萨拉及她的父母m still waiting 我一直在等待 She told me 她告诉我Wait ': she didn'.?If you wanna go to the city of stars 如果你想去这个充满梦想的城市 Can you help me to find my girl Maria 你能帮我找到我的朋友玛丽亚吗,心潮澎湃She believed to play what she called her part 她相信她在扮演着她的角色 A member of society to satisfy her dreams 满足她的梦想的社会的角色No one paid attention on her skills 没有人在意她的能力So she found crack is another way to fill 所以她发现堕落是让她满足的另一个方式The emptiness inside right now she got her thrill 原本内心的空虚,don', a burning in the heart 灯光让她沉醉,wanna find her 别让它发生. 等待When she arrived in the city of the stars 当她来到这个充满梦想城市的时候Blinded by the lights.,你会得到这些 Wait;s all you', coke and weed and tried to score 酒?She once was an actress and a beauty queen 她曾经是一名演员,that',让她变坏 I tried to stand by her side make her feel alright 我试着站在她一边让她感觉好一些But she wished to get over to the other side 但是她却想跑到另一边And since I can', who gave his life away She did it every day 猜猜;ve got to 等;t call you't really get her out of my mind 我一直无法忘记她I',谁每天在浪费生命,她是我的姐妹 How I miss her.?她每天都在做Why did she throw her life away 为什么她随意放弃生命 Why did she say don's my sisterThis song is about Maria 这是一首关于玛丽亚的歌A close friend of mine 我的一个好朋友Who lost herself in drugs 一个在毒品里失去自己的人She told me to wait for her 她告诉我等她But guess what;til you hear from me 等我给你打电话Wait, Thursday we will see 也许是周三周四If only you can wait baby 宝贝 也许你能等我Wait ',很漂亮的女孩 Then the drugs took over and made her mean 毒品带走了她的生命,won',可卡因,她是我真正的朋友I remember when we were walking hand in hand 我还记得我们手挽手一起走 She was telling me that she understands 她告诉我她认为 All the world and every thrill by taking little pills 小药片能让整个世界兴奋 So she was trying everything and more 所以她尝试每一样东西 Alcohol and speed,她告诉我 Wait;t you help me to find 我在问你;t feel much better than before 她没有感到比从前快乐So she got away here quick to find a better kick 所以她找到了一个更快的解脱的方法Never let it,想要提醒她She',现在让她兴奋 Guess;t be 不是周一 周二Wednesday;t forget it to remind her 不能忘记,wanna tell her 我想要告诉她,尝试每一个悲剧Tragedy,别打电话 你会接到我的电话Wait 've got to 等,Tuesday it won',让我等待,想要找到她 Can'., she told me 多么想念她;m asking you,超速驾车;til you hear from me 等我给你打电话吧Monday;t call just wait 为什么她说别打电话;til you hear from me 等我给你打电话吧Friday use your fantasy 幻想着周五Saturday you got over me 周六你就错过了我If only you can wait baby 宝贝 也许你能等我She was called Maria and she really was a friend 她叫作玛丽亚. 但是猜猜什么发生了 She never came back 她再也没回来And I' 。