
1.莎拉 蒂斯代尔 睡莲 英文原文【睡莲的英文怎么写】睡 莲[美]莎拉·蒂斯代尔王文丽 译若你已忘却那群山间幽暗的湖面午后阴影下漂浮的莲花,若你已忘却那催人入眠的湿润芳香,那么你可回来且无须惧怕 。
倘若你仍记得,那么请你永远离开去那远离湖泊的平原或草场,那里你不会遇见黄昏时闭合的睡莲,山峦的阴影也不会落在你的心头 。Water Lilies Sara Teasdale If you have forgotten water lilies floatingOn a dark lake among mountains in the afternoon shadeIf you have forgotten their wet, sleepy fragranceThen you can return and not be afraidBut if you remember, then turn away foreverTo the plains and the prairies where pools are far apartThere you will not come at dusk on closing water liliesAnd the shadow of mountains will not fall on your heart 。

