
adj. aquatic
【河流的英文怎么写】n. water, river,
liquid 名(由两个氢原子和一个氧原子结合而成的液体) water:淡 (软; 硬)水 fresh (soft; hard) water海绵吸水 。A sponge absorbs water.水含有氢和氧 。Water contains hydrogen and oxygen.(河流) river:汉水 the Han River(指江、河、湖、海、洋) a general term for rivers, lakes, seas, etc.; water:水陆运输 land and water transportation水上人家 boat dwellers水平如镜 。The surface of the water is as smooth as a mirror.(水流) current:顺水 downstream; with the current我们的船逆水而行 。Our ship stemmed on against the current.(稀的汁) a liquid:桔子水 orangeade墨水 ink(货币中银的含量) silver content in coins:贴水 discount for inferior coins(指附加的费用或额外的收入) extra charges or income:汇水 remittance fee外水 extra income(五行之一) water, one of the five elements(水族) the Shui nationality, living mainly in Guizhou(姓氏) a surname:水苏民 Shui Sumin

