
1.求一个“龟”的甲骨文写法甲骨文 。
汉字:龟 拼音:guī,jūn,qiū部首:刀 四角码:27716 仓颉:nwu86五笔:qjnb 98五笔:qjnb 郑码:RKZ总笔画数:7 笔顺:3515115异体字:龟 龟基本解释:龟guī 爬行动物的一科,腹背都有硬甲,头尾和脚能缩入甲中,耐饥渴,寿命很长:乌~ 。~甲(龟的腹甲,可入药,古人又用以占卜,亦用作货币 。
亦称“龟板”) 。龟jūn 同“皲” 。
扩展资料龟的含义1、龟甲 。古代用作占卜之具,遂为占卜之称 。
2、龟甲 。古代用作货币 。
《广雅?释诂》:「龟,货也 。」《玉篇·骨部》:「龟,货之宝也 。
」3、指兽类背部隆高处 。《左传?宣公十二年》:「麋兴于前,射麋丽龟 。
」杜预注引服虔曰:「丽,着也 。龟,背之隆高当心 。
」孔颖达疏:「龟之形,背高而前后下,此射麋丽龟,谓着其高处 。」清王士禛《东丹王射鹿图》诗:「雄狐狡兔皆遁藏,射麋丽龟走且僵 。
」4、龟袋的省称 。《新唐书?车服志》:「天授二年,改佩鱼皆为龟 。
」宋梅尧臣《侄宰与外甥蔡骃下第东归》诗:「黄金铸佩印,白玉刻佩龟 。」5、印章的代称 。
古代印章多为龟形纽,故称 。南朝宋谢灵运《初去郡》诗:「牵丝及元兴,解龟在景平 。
」 唐李翰《凤阁王侍郎传论赞》:「公侯保辅之尊,令仆卿尹之贵,纽龟鸣玉,紫盖朱轩 。」6、龟形的碑座 。
唐王建《题酸枣县蔡中郎碑》诗:「苍苔满字土埋龟,风雨销磨绝妙词 。」元宋无《咏石得天字》:「龟埋遗碣下,麟仆古茔前 。
」8. 酒杯 。古时以龟目饰尊,后遂借称酒杯 。
唐黄滔《送君南浦赋》:「及夫乐阕人散,龟飞日昏 。」 。
2.龟的笔顺 龟的笔画 龟字怎么写龟
(1)乌龟 。《史记·龟策列传》:“江傍家人常畜龟 。”
(2)占卜用的龟甲 。《楚辞· 卜居》:“龟策诚不能知此事 。” 又作秦以前用作货币的龟甲 。《易经·损》:“十朋之龟 。”
jūn通“皲”,皮肤受冻开裂 。范成大《次韵李子永雪中长句》:“手龟笔退不可捉 。”
qiū龟兹,汉代西域国名 。在今新疆库车县 。
3.用英文介绍一下象形字:龟Turtles are reptiles of the order Testudines (the crown group of the superorder Chelonia), characterised by a special bony or cartilaginous shell developed from their ribs that acts as a shield. "Turtle" may either refer to the Testudines as a whole, or to particular Testudines which make up a form taxon that is not monophyletic—see also sea turtle, terrapin, tortoise, and the discussion below. The order Testudines includes both extant (living) and extinct species. The earliest known turtles date from 215 million years ago,[2] making turtles one of the oldest reptile groups and a more ancient group than lizards and snakes. About 300 species are alive today,[citation needed] and some are highly endangered.[3] Like other reptiles, turtles are ectotherms—varying their internal temperature according to the ambient environment, commonly called cold-blooded. However, leatherback sea turtle have noticeably higher body temperature than surrounding water because of their high metabolic rate. Like other amniotes (reptiles, dinosaurs, birds, and mammals), they breathe air and do not lay eggs underwater, although many species live in or around water. The largest turtles are aquatic. *************************************** A cloud is a visible mass of droplets, in other words, little drops of water or frozen crystals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of the Earth or another planetary body. A cloud is also a visible mass attracted by gravity, such as masses of material in space called interstellar clouds and nebulae. Clouds are studied in the nephology or cloud physics branch of meteorology. On Earth the condensing substance is typically water vapor, which forms small droplets or ice crystals, typically 0.01 mm (0.00039 in) in diameter. When surrounded by billions of other droplets or crystals they become visible as clouds. Dense deep clouds exhibit a high reflectance (70% to 95%) throughout the visible range of wavelengths. They thus appear white, at least from the top. Cloud droplets tend to scatter light efficiently, so that the intensity of the solar radiation decreases with depth into the gases, hence the gray or even sometimes dark appearance at the cloud base. Thin clouds may appear to have acquired the color of their environment or background and clouds illuminated by non-white light, such as during sunrise or sunset, may appear colored accordingly. Clouds look darker in the near-infrared because water absorbs solar radiation at those wavelengths. 。