
1.温柔的英文怎么写fond;gentle and soft;melting;mild;dolce ;gentle 英[?d?entl] 美[?d??ntl]adj. 温柔的; 温和的; 文雅的; 高尚的;vt. 使温和; 使驯服;n. 蛆; 饵;[例句]My son was a quiet and gentle man who liked sports and enjoyed life我儿子是个安静温柔的人,喜欢运动和享受生活 。
His gentle manner and honeyed tones reassured Andrew他温和的态度和悦耳的语调使安德鲁消除了疑虑 。Her aggressive moods alternated with gentle or more co-operative states她情绪多变,时而咄咄逼人,时而又显得温柔平和或乐于合作 。
His gentle, kindly appearance did not deceive me我没有被他文雅和善的外表所蒙蔽 。
2.温柔的用英语怎么说温柔的英文:mild;fond;gentle and soft;meek;blandness 。
一、mild英 [ma?ld] 美 [ma?ld] adj.轻微的;温柔的;温暖的;(味道)不浓的n.淡味麦芽啤酒In the mild light of carrie's eye was nothing of the calculation of the mistress.在嘉莉温柔的目光中,他看不到一丁点情妇们精于算计的眼神 。二、fond英 [f?nd] 美 [fɑ:nd] adj.喜欢的;多情的;溺爱的,宠爱的;盲目轻信的Why so pale and wan, fond lover?为何如此消磨,温柔的恋人,形容暗淡?三、gentle and soft英 [?d?entl ?nd s?ft] 美 [?d??ntl ?nd s?ft] 温柔;温柔的She looks like a gentle and soft girl她看上去好像是位温柔的姑娘 。
四、meek英 [mi:k] 美 [mik] adj.温顺的;驯服的He was a meek, mild-mannered fellow. 他是一个温柔随和的人 。五、blandness英 ['bl?ndn?s] 美 ['bl?ndn?s] n.温柔,爽快Blandness in the basic politics of the media became standard. 传播媒介在基本政治问题上通常采取温和的态度 。

