1.澳大利亚打工 Covering Letter 具体怎么写你去.au或careerone上看看,有范例的,.au的比较好 。
比较地道 。和resume差不多 。
不一样的是resume是主要写你的简历,一般来说可以重复用的 。比如你要申请个bookkeeper的工作,你的简历可以投commonwealth bank也可以投ANZ的 。
但是CV一般来说是针对每个具体你要投的工作 。写你为什么要选择这个工作,从哪里知道这个工作的,你为什么觉得自己适合这个工作(技能啊 经验之类的再讲一遍,这个和resume差不多了) 。
最后个人觉得最重要的是写reference,这个很重要,雇主比较看重,和国内不一样(没的话其实可以编的了,如果是打小零工的话) 。---------------------分割线------------------- Cover letters - the first impression A good cover letter is essentially a sales document, designed to convince the employer of what an asset you will be to the company. It complements your resume, which should add credibility to your claims.Role of the cover letter When designing a cover letter, remember the employer is probably receiving hundreds of applications for any one job. They will be stressed out and very, very busy. You have a window of opportunity of no longer than 30 seconds to convince them to take your application to the next step and read the resume. And while it is unfortunate that employers can make a decision about your career in less than 30 seconds, it reinforces the importance of spending time on your cover letter.But the cover letter is not just a time saving tool for employers, it can also provide an insight into your personality and how you express yourself. This helps to build an overall picture of you and, as it is the first impression, it is crucial you get it right.As with all busy people, being concise, meticulous and relevant is paramount. It reflects badly on you if you express yourself poorly or you don't get to the point. There are three basic things you need to communicate clearly and concisely to a potential employer in your cover letter.The position you are applying for.The skills you bring to the company that satisfy the requirements of that position.The action you would like to happen next.While there is no right way of doing a cover letter, here are some guidelines that the experts recommend you consider:Structure Addressing the letter Send letters to people, not companies. If you don't know the contact's gender or proper title, then call the receptionist and ask. Never guess. If you can't find out their gender, use their full name (eg Chris Smith). But ideally, address your letter using an honorific (Mr or Ms), then their name, title, company name and address. If you are not responding to an advertised vacancy, target the hiring manager and the head of the department you wish to work in.Paragraph 1 — what you are applying for and why you are applying State the purpose of the letter in first paragraph. If you have been referred by a mutual acquaintance, mention that person's name. If you meet all the stated requirements fill this out. Opening the cover letter with a statement that grabs their attention and compels them to read more about you is a good idea. However, it must be related to the position and the reason you are writing.Paragraph 2 — stake your claim Australians tend to under-sell themselves. Don't hide behind a cloud of mystery because you expect the reader of the resume to be all-knowing. Sell yourself. Not only match your skills and experience to the requirements of the job, but make a point of offering them more. Every hiring decision, regardless of the size of the company, is a significant investment in money for the employer. They are hiring you to increase their bottom line or productivity. Be mindful of this when you make your claims. Explain to the reader how employing you will benefit the company — don't leave them to guess.Paragraph 3 — call to action and thank you Always sum up with an action point and what you would like the next step to be. Usually this is that you will be in touch. If you are answering an advertised position, take a passive approach and wait for them to process all the applications. If they are interested, they'll call you. Chasing them up is just likely to annoy them. In other situations, end the cover letter with a call to action and take responsibility for initiating the next step. Say you will call later and do it. Give them a couple of days to look it over and then call. Ask politely if they have had time to look it over, and if they haven't, ask when you should call back to discuss your application.Examples Responding to a job ad:John Hireperson Director of Employee Relations Sabroso Chorizo Inc543 High St. Mount Waverly, VIC 3067 Dear Mr Hireperson I am responding to your advertisement for an editor for。
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