
1.脾气不好的英文怎么写脾气不好:Bad-tempered重点词汇释义脾气temper; temperament; disposition; bad temper; behaviour例句:1、早就知道你脾气不好了 。
I knew you have a bad temper. 2、我吃了脾气不好的亏 。I was cursed with a bad temper. 3、当他脾气不好时,他很容易生气 。
When he is in a bad temper, he gets angry easily. 4、脾气不好但有能包容我一切的朋友 。Bad-tempered but have to carry all my friends 。
2.火爆脾气用英语怎么说火爆脾气用英语怎么说?火爆脾气 have a short fuse烦躁不安的、好争吵的 feisty 容易激动 兴奋 excitability情景对话(火爆脾气用英语怎么说)他妻子的沉着冷静抵消了他的火爆脾气 。
Wife's calm nature acts as a counterbalance to his excitability. 一位火爆脾气的老太太给供电公司打电话要个检修工 。A feisty old lady had to call the electric company for a repairman 。

