
1.英语作文小猪Mother gave me a toy "pig" on my tenth birthday. It was very lovely. 妈妈在我十岁生日的时候送给我一只玩具猪猪 。
【猪猪英语怎么写】非常可爱 。The pig wears a blue dress. Her face is pink. Her eyes are round and black. Her mouth is small and red. Her two ears are very big. They seem like two fans. 小猪穿了一条蓝色的裙子 。
她的脸蛋是粉红色的 。她的眼睛圆圆的很黑 。
她的嘴巴小小的,红红的 。她的耳朵很大,看起来像两面扇子 。
She looks very happy, because she always smiles. So I think she must be a happy "pig". 她看起来很开心,因为她一直挂着笑容 。所以我认为她是一只快乐的小猪 。

