
第三人称单数: ensures
现在分词: ensuring
过去式: ensured
过去分词: ensured
We do a blood count to ensure that all is well.
我们检查了血球指数,以确保一切正常 。
1、ensure的基本意思是指某人向其他人作出口头或书面上的承诺,强调使人确信某个行为或力量的后果会肯定地、不可避免地、有把握地出现 。
2、ensure既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词 。用作及物动词时,可接名词和that从句作宾语,that从句可用陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气 。
3、ensure也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转换为介词for的宾语 。用作不及物动词时,后可接介词from〔against〕,表示“保护某人不受危害” 。
4、当指“保险”时,要用insure,而不用ensure; 指“保证”时,多用ensure,后加that从句 。
2.英文翻译1.你要吃西红柿和土豆吗?(would like) Would you like some tomatos or potatoes?2.Paul的衬衫是棉布制成的 。
(be made) Paul's shirt is made by cotton.3.这条裤子和这件外套很搭配 。(match…with) These trousers match with this coat.4.这些三明治看起来好可口啊!(how) How delicious these sandwiches look!5.Kate,别忘记明天早点儿到车站 。
(forget to) Kate, don't forget to get to the station early.6.他经常停下来看一些奇怪的石子 。(have a look at…) He often stop to have a look at some strange stones.7.听!有人正在收垃圾 。
(there be) Listen! There are somebody collecting the rubbish.8.张华是个多么勇敢的孩子啊!(what) What a brave kid that Zhang Hua is!9.我很高兴,因为我通过-r所有的考试 。(because) I'm very happy because I passed all the exam.10.冬天你习惯早起吗?(be used to) Are you used to get up early in winter?11.对你来说节约时间很重要 。
(It's…) It's very important to save time.12.这张照片使你想起了什么?(remind)What does this photo remind you?13.你最好马上就走,否则要迟到了 。(had better)You had better leave right now, or you will be late.14.她花了大半辈子的时间来照顾残疾人 。
(spend…doing) She spent more than half of her life taking care of the disabled.15.如果明天有空,我们就去看巩俐演的那部新片 。(if,star) If we are free tomorrow, we go to see the film that Gong Li newly stared.16.我认为一个好朋友能让我开心 。
(make sb.happy) I think a good friend can make me happy.17.尽管他已经70多岁了,但他从未放弃过学习 。(although) Although he is over 70, he never stopped learning.18.现在由于环境污染,许多野生动物失去了生存的地方 。
(lose) Because of environment pollution nowadays, many wild animals lose there living place.19.当你很难作出决定时,穿红色衣服能帮助你采取行动 。(have difficulty doing sth.) When you have difficulty making decision, wear red cloths helps you take action.20.越来越多的人喜欢乡村而不喜欢城市 。
(prefer) More and more people prefer country-side rather than city.21.请不要放弃这次机会 。(give up) Please do not give up this chance / opportunity.22.我和我的一位好朋友已经感冒大概一个星期了 。
(not only…but also…) Not only me cought a cold for about one week, but also one of my friend / but one of my friend also.23.昨天当我们气喘吁吁地赶到火车站时,火车已经开走半小时了 。(out of breath) When we got to the train station out of breath, the train have left for half an hour.24.你知道这部小说是什么时候写的吗?(Do you know…) Do you know when did this novel be writen?25.到月底你们才能得到本次考试的结果 。