
n. 母亲;大娘;女修道院院长;adj. 母亲的;出生地的;vt. 生下;养育;像母亲般关怀或照管 。
mother country 祖国
biological mother 生母
surrogate mother 代孕母亲
mother cell 母细胞
mother solution 母液
mother of god 圣母玛利亚
mother in law 婆婆
mother of pearl 珍珠母
expectant mother 孕妇
working mother 职业妇女
mother wit 天生的智力
1、His mother rode him on her back.
他的母亲让他骑在她的背上 。
2、That should be his mother.
那大概是他的母亲 。
3、The boy was wailing for his mother.
那个男孩在为他的母亲痛哭 。
4、Mother doused the clothes in soapy water.
母亲把衣服浸入肥皂水中 。
5、Your mother is waiting downstairs.
你的母亲在楼下等着 。
6、She writes every week to her mother.
她每星期都要给母亲写信 。
7、He takes after his mother.
他长得像他妈妈 。
2.以“我的妈妈”为题写一篇英语作文怎么写Almost everyone has his own mother. It's lucky for me because I have a cute Mom.
My mother has long black hair, a big nose, nice skin, and she's forty years old this year. The most important thing is that she is good-looking. Mom is busy from morning till night. She gets up early and takes my brother to school everyday. My father owns a big factory. Mom drives a car all day long and delivers goods. She sometimes works until six or nine o'clock at night. After work, she has to do all the housework. Mom works so hard to make money so we kids can go to a nice university or college. Although this year's Mother's Day is over, I'd still like to say "I love you" to my mom.
3.妈妈的英文单词怎么写mother ['m?e?] n.母亲,妈妈 [Mother ](常用于姓氏前)大妈,大娘,老太太 [口]义母,继母,养母 母爱 女主管人; 妇女宗教团体的女主持人,修女院长 [喻]根源 人工孵卵器 航空母舰; 航空母机 [Mother ]大猩猩(品种)苹果; (动、植物的)母(=mother of vinegar)【微】醋母 She's a mother of three.她是三个孩子的妈妈 。
She was a mother to the poor.她是穷苦人的慈母 。Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母 。
词性变化 mother ['m?e?] adj.母的,祖国的,本国的 mother love 母爱 mother tongue 本国语言,母语 a mother tree 母树 mother ['m?e?] vt.当子女抚养,保育照管 产,生(通常在修辞上使用) 承认自已是 。的母亲; 声明自已是(小说等的)作者 【军】掩护 She mothered two sons but no daughters.她生了两个儿子,但没有女儿 。
继承用法 mother-in-law n.(pl. mothers-in-law)婆婆,岳母 motherland ['m?e?l?nd] n.祖国 mother-to -be n.孕妇 mother-naked adj.象初出娘胎那样一丝不挂的 mother-of -pearl n.珍珠母,螺钿 mother wort n.【植】益母草属 motherhood ['m?e?hu:d] n.母亲的义务; 母性; 母权 motherless ['m?e?l?s] adj.没有母亲的 motherlike adj.母亲般的 motherly ['m?e?l?] adj.母亲的,慈母般的; 慈祥的 词性变化 mother ['m?e?] adv.慈母般地 mothery ['m?e?r?] adj.含醋母的; 醋母似的 习惯用语(as) naked as my mother bore me (as naked as I was born) 赤身露体,一丝不挂 be mother [mum] [口]主持斟酒、倒茶; 主管分配食物 become a mother 当母亲,生孩子 Like mother, like child [daughter]. [谚]有其母必有其子[女] 。Mother Hubbard (女用)宽大长罩衣 Mother of God 【宗】上帝之母(指圣母玛利亚) Mother of Presidents [美]总统之乡(指美国弗吉尼亚州,因该州有多人任过总统) Mother of States [美]各州之母(美国弗吉尼亚州的别名) mother of the months [诗]月亮 特殊用法 class mother 学校与家庭联络员 den mother 童子军女训导 expectant mother 孕妇 First Mother 第一母亲(指国家元首的母亲) foster mother 养母 queen mother 太后 step mother 继母 。