
1、造型modelling; model; sculpt; profiling; mould
1、这些工艺品造型优美 。
These art objects are beautifully shaped.
2、我们进行了几次预拍摄 , 摆了各种不同的造型 。
We have had several preliminary sittings in various poses.
3、我想在我的结婚蛋糕上装饰一些丘比特的造型 。
I would like my wedding cake decorated with cupids.
【美妆造型英文怎么写】4、她现在是作家兼时尚造型师 。
She is now a writer and fashion stylist.
5、这所房子是一幢造型美观的四层砖砌建筑物 。
The house was a handsome four-story brick structure.
2.“美妆”的英文翻译是什么“美妆”的英文是“Beauty makeup” 。“美妆”英文缩写是BP或COS 。
“美丽”:beauty;“化妆”:make-up 。
Beauty makeup:
1、请看以下我们对于选择美妆品时需要看什么的指导 。
Below, see our guide to what to look for when shopping the beauty aisle.
2、“美妆魔镜”利用摄像头捕捉到你的面容图像 , 并你的眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴部位显示出试妆效果 。
The Magic Mirror uses a camera on the device to captures your face and work out where your eyes, nose and mouth are.
How much you spend on the cosmetics products every month?
4、川谷秀将专业的美妆概念融入到个人护理产品当中;打造出不同风格的文化内涵的时尚个人护理用品 。
Based on our understanding of beauty, we have made many different personal care products which satisfy with different kinds of customers'requests.
3.“造型”用英语怎么翻译n. Modelling [?m?d(?)l??] ; moulding [?m??ld??]
vi. Mould [m??ld]
vt. sculpt 英 [sk?lpt] 美[sk?lpt]
造型艺术 plastic arts ; formative arts ; Arts Plastiques ; visual art
造型变形 Sculpt ; Sculpt Deformer ; Create Sculpt Deformer
造型的 figurative ; formative