
1.用英文介绍电影 飞越疯人院 的剧情 最好附带汉语翻译In 1963 Oregon, Randle Patrick McMurphy (Jack Nicholson), a recidivist criminal serving a short sentence on a prison farm for statutory rape of a 15-year-old girl, is transferred to a mental institution for evaluation. He hopes to avoid hard labor and serve the rest of his sentence in a more relaxed environment. Although he is anti-authoritarian with a history of violence, McMurphy exhibits no overt signs of mental illness.
Nurse Mildred Ratched (Louise Fletcher), who employs subtle humiliation, unpleasant medical treatments and a mind-numbing daily routine to suppress the patients.
由于是简介,只能写这么多了 。
下面写一些本电影反映的社会现实,也是简单的写了 。
This film implies the reality of the humanless administrative control and political circumstance between the USA and the USSR.It shows the ugly facts of capitalism and the cruelty of politics.
好了就写这么多吧 。
程序员兼英语教师:武老师 Leon R. Wood
2.疯子用英语怎么说疯子的英文:madman; lunatic; bedlamite;lunatic 读法 英 ['lu?n?t?k] 美 ['l?n?'t?k] 1、adj. 疯狂的;精神错乱的;愚蠢的2、n. 疯子;疯人短语:lunatic asylum 精神病院,疯人院例句:1、Her son thinks she's an absolute raving lunatic. 她儿子认为她是个十足的疯子 。
2、They looked at me as if I was a raving lunatic. 他们看着我就好像我是一个胡言乱语的疯子 。扩展资料一、lunatic的近义词:crazycrazy 读法 英 ['kre?z?] 美 ['krezi] adj. 疯狂的;狂热的,着迷的短语:1、crazy about 热衷,着迷;狂热的2、a little crazy 有点儿疯狂3、go crazy 发疯;疯狂4、be crazy for v. 渴望;对…疯狂二、crazy的词义辨析:eccentric, peculiar, strange, queer, curious, crazy这组词都有“奇怪的,奇异的,新奇的”的意思,其区别是:1、eccentric 指偏离常规的怪异或怪癖 。
2、peculiar 侧重令人奇怪的或独一无二的特性,也指性格特征方面显著的与众不同之处 。3、strange 普通常用词,含义广泛,指陌生新奇、奇怪、奇怪或不自然的人或物 。
4、queer 指一种无法解释的怪诞,强调事物的奇特和不可思议 。5、curious 通常指非常特别或能引起注意、研究或探索的奇特 。
6、crazy 多指与众不同的行为、外表或人与物本身,含荒唐可笑或神经不正常的意味 。
【疯人院英文怎么写】挑你会的拣出来 。
4.用英语写一小段对《飞越疯人院》的感想It's tough to really judge this movie. Is it Milos Forman's greatest directorial masterpiece or Jack Nicholson's best performance. Tough to say, but the marriage between both director and actor are quite phenomenal. From the first time we see Jack Nicholson to the sad, yet uplifting ending, one cannot escape the sheer power of the film. When a film is parodied as many times as this one has been, typically, greatness can be associated. Well, greatness was achieved, and let's hope this one never falls through the cracks 。